Harry let go of me letting me turn around and face the guy I last saw in the alley beside the bar. When Harry was drunk out of his head and the guys was asking for money I think. 

Chase. It was shocking how I actually remembered his name since I despised him. 

"Fuck off," Harry grumbled. By the look in his face, he was annoyed and getting pissed off. I couldn't blame him since I felt my own blood boil from the sight of his ass. 

"Not very nice Styles. You don't want me to call him do you?" Chase replied. Harry went rigid beside me. What the hell was he talking about? Chase smirked and then his eyes fell on me. 

"I see you actually stayed with this one," He commented. "I don't blame you. I'm sure she's amazing in bed," His smirk grew wider making me want to gag. How much of a pervert was he? 

"Shut the fuck up," Harry finally said. More like hissed. 

"Nah uh uh. My phones right here and I have him on speed dial," Chase twisted his phones around in hand. "Let's go Meredith," Harry said to me and before I can protest he grabbed my hand and dragged me down the hill and into the empty house since everyone was outside. 

So many questions were running around my head pushing me to ask Harry but I knew better not to do that. Harry was pissed off and it was written all over his face. 

"Harry hold up," I muttered as we were out the house through the front. My feet was bare and my shoes were still in the back garden. Before I can think any farther, my feet was lifted off my ground and next thing I know Harry was carrying me bridal style. This gave me a nice view of his jaws. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and laid my head on his shoulder and stuffing my face in his warm and smooth neck. My lips brushed the side of his neck making him shiver and I knew for sure it wasn't because it was cold outside. I bit my lip and thought about taking advantage of this position. I put my full lips on his neck making him stop right in his tracks in the middle of the street. 

Great timing Meredith! Couldn't you do that when you were on the pavement? 

But the good thing about this was that there were no cars around since it's probably 1 in the morning. 

I let my tongue slide across the part where my lips are making a slight groan come out of Harry's mouth. I smirked against his soft skin as I bit down softly making another groan leave his lips. I sucked on the skin making Harry go crazy. 

I had to rip my lips of his skin when I saw a bright light coming forward and a large horn. There was a car standing right in front of us and in it was a man driving and two kids. My cheeks burned as Harry finally moved from his frozen spot. 

"You've been very naughty today," He whispered in my ear. Those words made me wet instantly in the 'area'. Harry smirked as I awkwardly got into his car trying to hide my red cheeks that doesn't seem to cool down. I hate that he can do this to be by doing the smallest thing ever. 

The car ride to Harry's flat I'm guessing was quite quiet. The silence wasn't awkward but it was comfortable with Linkin Park playing softly. I didn't even think he liked Linkin Park. 

"Should I drop you off at your house?" He asked his voice filling in the air. I shook my head making him drive past the road that leads to my house. 

When we finally reached Harry's flat building, I sighed since it has been a while since I've been here. Actually it was just a few days ago that I came here but it seemed like forever. My hand reached for the door handle to open it up but was stopped halfway by Harry's hand grabbing mine. "Hold on," He mumbled before getting out himself and walking around the car to my side. He opened it up and ducked down and carried me bridal style once again. 

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