Chapter 22

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Party Poison's P.O.V:

I was so pissed off yesterday. I came to the conclusion of giving it a second go.. I don't know If she wants to but I do. I snuck up into her room and placed a real red rose onto the bed. I scribbled down a note and a thought just occurred to me. She said she was pregnant.. What if it's not with me?! Okay poison, don't worry! If the kid doesn't look like you, you can worry then! Oh great I'm having a discussion in my head. I sighed and let my feet dangle, hovering her bedroom floor.

I turned on the radio and heard a beautiful cover of 'The Only Hope For Me Is You'. It sounded beautiful. It was shadow.. Was she singing that about Frank or me? Of course me, right? I'm her boyfriend! Well not anymore.. But still, I was! So she might be saying she's getting over it? Maybe? Maybe this is what she's been doing while she was gone. Writing songs for me and waiting until the right time to perform them on the radio. "She does love me!" I squealed. Okay I sound a bit full of myself right now but it's likely, right? Yeah I thought so.

I crept into my room, leaving no evidence whatsoever of me being in her room. Well I wanted it to be a surprise! I remembered she likes red roses because the red looks like blood.. Yeah we had a fucking weird childhood! I began to draw, all I could think of was her! I drew an oval/heart shaped face. That's what she has and she's beautiful. After I faintly sketched it I drew her hair. The way she has side swept bands and the little stray pieces that fly everywhere when she moves. After that took shape I drew her eyes. Oh, how her eyes had so much emotion in them. No one would ever defeat her. There was this determined look that you'd just fall in love with.. And then her eyebrows, shaped perfectly, no need to pluck or thread them. Her smirk was mesmerizing. She had beautiful written all over her, or at least I could see that. That's why she has to be with me for the rest of my life.

My eyes began to feel droopy. I closed my eyes and rested my head on the desk in my old room. My last thoughts before i fell asleep was 'What will happen tomorrow?'


I checked the time. It's way too late! I yawned and stretched my arms. 

When I got up my first instinct was to clear everything off of my bed and make it. When I was clearing my bed I found a piece of paper with her handwriting over it.. I don't remember her handing me any note. 

I picked up the note and unfolded it.

'Party Poison.

I love you, I just need a break from everything. I'm running off into the shadows and never turning back. I want you to know I'll let you see the baby. All in good time okay? I want this to be pain free for the both of us so I'm gonna leave Battery City and pursue my journey to the zones. I know saying goodbye is hard but I need to do this, okay Hun? I love you sweetie and you'll always have a place in my black and bitter heart.

-Shadow Skies'

I started to sob. Why does this have to happen? I bet she's gone! I hope this is a prank! What if this is just some sick prank for me breaking up with her? Fuck. Never mess with a Skies. They always get what they want. So I won't get to see my son or daughter? FUCK. 

I ran into her room. Everything was cleared. Nothing in her draws. Nothing anywhere. There was nothing anywhere.. Just cleared. The bed was still made but it looked plain. What if she's downstairs? I'll see if she is.

I journeyed down the stairs and sat on the sofa. Everyone was already there, except for her of course. It looked like everyone of us had a tear running down our cheeks. Frank handed me his note and started to cry hysterically.

'Dear Frankie,

Thanks for Pansy, she's beautiful. She's a beautiful guitar, I'm very lucky! 

Um.. We kissed and now that's made complications.. Hence your broken nose. I'm leaving and never turning back. Yeah sure you'll see me but I am the unexpected. I know when I'm not wanted. PLUS! You and Gee's friendship.. That would be horrible to see it fade away. I'll always be watching every one of you, watch out!

See you in purgatory, kid. '

By the end of the note my eyes were flooded with tears. At least she was sincere with him. But what does she mean by 'I'll always be watching every one of you'? Will she be some stalker or something? Either way I'll always love her and there's always going to be room in my heart for her because she was my first love and my last. I don't want anyone else. I know I'm Party Poison but seriously... I want my childhood crush who likes me and I'm having a baby with. 

"Dude.. I'm so sorry" he told me while choking on tears.

Ray handed me his. His hands were shaky and he kind of looks more stressed than the rest of us which is odd.. Maybe he knew something we didn't and that's why he looks kind of guilty. Weird.

I started to read his note.

'Dear princess fro fro.

Whoa! Keep that fro bro! Seriously though, I love that fluffy thing!
I want you to keep the boys going, keep the camp going. I won't let them take the light behind your eyes. I won't. You never have to be afraid of death. You know I care for every one of you and I won't let them hurt you. I promise.

Wherever you go, if you get exterminated, have no fear; I'll rescue you. That isn't a lie. Trust me. I will always be with you okay. Not in that cheesy way I'll be in your heart or something.. I literally mean I'll be around.. Never mind.

I'll miss your awesome guitar playing.. I'll hear it, I guess!

Good luck with Christa. Yeah I know about her! I'm a ninja!'

That one made me chuckle.

'Dearest Mikes!

You're my bro from another hoe. Yeah I love you like a brother. I really do! Even if we're not really related I still see you as a brother. I see all the guys as my brother but if we were siblings I guarantee you that we'd be More close than we already are right now.

You have helped me see so much! My eyes aren't foggy anymore, I have Mikey knowledge in my brain! Seriously though, BLI really underestimate your smartness. I don't see why.. to be honest your the guy who comes up with all the smart ideas and plans whilst plotting against BLI.

Keep the fuck away from toasters -_-  

I'll never ask you to make me toast again. Never again. I'm being serious, ask someone to make the toast for you because if I do come back I don't want to come back to three fabulous fours... That made no sense whatsoever. But what I mean is I want to come back to you being ALIVE  and not dead.. electrocuted. 

I'll see you around and good luck with Brianna, yeah I'm a better ninja then you and your 'Kobra Kid' well Kobra Kid... Get a different killjoy name .. I was going to say something else but I won't.

Bye Mikey, love you xxx'

"Where is she?" I whimpered. 

Everyone glanced at me. Sending me sad looks... this cant be good.

"That's the mystery.. We don't know."



WOOHOO WE FINISHED IT! Well I did.. Never mind!

I have an idea for the sequel. Yes I have to do a sequel like come on! She can't just disappear while she's pregnant and leave the guys notes saying see you soon! Um bye for now!

I'm gonna have a break myself, make the cover art and I've already got a name for the sequel.

Hope you enjoyed this book though, tell me your opinion and if you have any constructive criticism I'm all ears! Thank you

Stay beautiful, keep it ugly.

Cleo xxx

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Where stories live. Discover now