Chapter 9

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Shadow's P.O.V:

After crying into my uncle's shoulder for a while, show pony made us coffee.You know the coffee you have with the whipped cream, spices in it.. That type. She probably did this in her former life, working at coffee shops, the taste is amazing! "Oh my.. Show pony this is delish!" I said after gulping the piping hot coffee. "Be careful shay.. It's hot!" Show pony warned and I giggled.

"Just like my women!" Fun ghoul shouted after running around the living room- doing some work out thing. "Someone's hyper!" I laughed. "Someone's happier!" Fun and show said in unison.

They looked at each other and started laughing.

"AWKWARD!" I screamed.

"Shay be careful, your right next to my ear!" D spoke calmly.

"Okay sorry D.." I apologised.

"Sorry that party was being a douche," jet smiled and opened his arms for a bear hug.

"That's okay.. I'm just an emotional wreck at the moment" I stated.

A mop of red hair came down the stairs, his streaks of red going al in his face. His blue jacket was tied tightly around his waste and he was revealing his yellow and black top. I won't lie, he looked super cute and the sight of him made my heart feel all fuzzy.

"Hay shay?" He asked. "Yeah?" I mumbled. I was trying not to look at him or look into his eyes but obviously I did because... Who wouldn't? Given the chance that is.

"We need to talk" he said and I sighed. "Okay, I'll go upstairs." I whispered to myself. The walk up the stairs was awkward. The guys sent me reassuring smiles as if they actually care. It's annoying. Sometimes I just feel like running off...

I walked slowly up the stairs and walked into Party poisons room. "Yeah, um.. I'm sorry about earlier," he said very awkwardly, he raised a hand to scratch the back of his neck.

"Dude, if you didn't like me that way you just had to say, I mean I like you but I'm not forc-"

I was cut off by a pair of lips. I kissed back immediately. His lips were soft, like imagine a cloud, that's his lips. It felt awesome that I didn't just have a crush on him but he must like m too, he wouldn't kiss me otherwise. We had a sweet, long and passionate kiss.

"Um.. What just happened?" I asked dumbfounded. "I do like you shay, I didn't know you was gonna say you liked me so... You know.. I said what I said" party poison looked down, guilty. "Aww! Come here you!" I brought him in for a hug. He looks so cute when he's guilty.

"So what does this make us?" He asked. "I.. Will...we could be together?" I suggested shyly.

Poison smiled and nodded his head in agreement.

We both leaned in for a kiss. We moved in synch and it was magical. He licked my bottom lip asking for entry to my mouth which I happily accepted. We both pulled apart, gasping for oxygen.

"So... How've you been?" I asked poison.

He shrugged in response.

"Well.. Nearly getting killed by my first love a couple of times with her dad... Yeah I gotta say that's awesome!" He said sarcastically. "Sounds like it!" I giggled. "Is your first love hot?" I asked in a stupid sarcastic and gossip-y voice. "Very hot, yes." He smiled.

"I just need to call my dad quickly..." I said. He did a nod and kissed my cheek. I did the same back before pulling away to call my dad.

I pulled out my phone and called my father.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi my little destroya! How're you doing?" He asked.

"Fine fine... When did you want me to meet you?" I asked him.

"Battery city Starbucks, ASAP." He said.

The line went dead.

I sent a dirty look to the phone and chucked it to the side.

"What happened?" Poison asked. "The line went dead, no one hangs up on me!" I sassed. "I mean the conversation! And don't sass babe, that's my thing!" He giggled. "Ohh! I'm meeting my dad at Starbucks in battery city" I sighed. I just want to hang out with the killjoys now, I don't want to go back to Battery City. What if he makes me stay?

"Can I come?" He gave me puppy dog eyes. I gave him a face that said 'are you fucking serious?'

"Well, I want a coffee!" He grabbed my body and pulled me in for a hug.

"No promises, I'm going battery city, where you are a fugitive remember?"

He suddenly realised.

"Ha! You don't catch on straight away do you?" I laughed.

"what ever" he sassed.

"Don't sass babe, that's my thing!" I laughed at him and he looked back at me in confusion.

I pecked his lips.

I walked down stairs to the living area where everyone else was. By the looks of it they were all chatting and being happy so I decided I'd just shout I'm leaving to see my dad and go, I shouldn't spoil their fun.

"Guys I'm going to see my dad, bye!" I yelled and walked out the door.

"Your leaving us?" Kobra asked and ran over to me. Breathing unsteadily because of the running. "Please don't leave, Geradd would miss you, he probably makes out he won't but let's face it, he always used to ask Dr. D for information about you!" He blurted out. "FUCK! That stays between us two, know one knows.."

"I'm not leaving you, I just need to see my dad, I'm the undercover killjoy remember?"

"Oh yeah.. My bad, I'll see you later, if you need us call us, k!"

I nodded and got on my motor bike.

A/N: Just Edited!

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Where stories live. Discover now