Chapter 10

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Shadow's P.O.V:

After a twenty minute ride on my motorbike, and by twenty minutes I mean going through short cuts, I arrived in battery city. It was easy to get to Battery City in a small a Lunt of time, you just need to know the shortcuts.

I put on shades to avoid being recognised, I am korse's daughter, after all! They might ask me for coupons or something... Weirdos.

And I am pretty famous too..

I'm more of an idle to girls than boys.

After a few turns I was outside Starbucks; I was so thirsty! I hope he's ordered what I usually get. Ever since I was ten we started going to Starbucks. We both liked it so much that he had one installed in our buildings! I have to say that's one of the best and smartest ways he's invested is money.

I walked inside and was immediately recognised by civilians as well as my father. I'm wearing shades, aren't I? Ah it might be because my dad's here, they'd surely recognise us then..

"Shadow, how's your journey been?" My father questioned. He looked extremely fatigued and his eyes showed no emotion. His face was even more paler than usual, that's saying something."Dad are you okay?" I asked. "Of course!" He yelled. He sounded as if I offended him somehow, I wonder why he resorted to yelling at me, let alone in public! We're not normal civilians, were basically royalty.

"What's bothering you dad?" I asked as I made my way to the table and he gave me my frapachino. He hugged me tight, squeezing as if he never wanted to let go,

"Just missed you" he replied dully.

I went through my messenger bag I had around my shoulder to get my sketch pad. I can't sketch like Gerard but I can still draw pretty awesomely.

"I missed you too" I sighed.

I really hate my dad, he's mind controlled me for years on end and I just found my childhood friends. Hell he'll be able to tell I'm not myself. I feel bad but why should I? He's basically tricked me and my life is a lie.

"So kiddo, found anything out?" My father questioned.

"Not quite.." I looked down.

I felt so bad for lying to my dad. He raised me. But then again he's tricked me, all of my life. I should've listened to Gerard when we were kids. I put my pencil on my sketch pad and began to draw an outline of party poisons head.

"Excuse me.. I'm terribly for interrupting you shadow but can I have an autograph?" A little girl asked.

"Sweetie, of course! Now who am I making this out to?" I put on the best fake voice ever.

"Karrisa please," she smiled.

I grabbed a sharpie and a piece of paper from the back of my sketch book.

'To Karrisa, never let them take the light behind your eyes, Love shadow skies' I wrote on the paper for her.

The name Karrisa felt familiar too...

My dad's face grew an even paler white than it already was.

"Dad.. Does the name Karrisa mean anything to you?" I whispered discretely.

"We better get going, dear!" Korse yelped. He was obviously trying to get away from what I just said. It did mean something... I wonder what though? I'll ask Dr. d when I get home. Hmm... It feels weird calling that place home. I decided to play innocent to my dad.

"What? I only just got here" I yelled.

"Come on shay!" He yelled back.

I rolled my eyes.

"I see how it is 'dad' I don't even know why I try! I mean you give every one mind pills, including your DAUGHTER!" I screamed in anger.

Everyone in the store gasped in shock at my outburst.

"I mean look at everyone, they're your zombies." I stated.

"Shay, they're happy pills, silly!" He said in a manor only I'd get and he tapped my nose.

"I'm leaving, dare I say it.. Become a killjoy!" I yelled.

Everyone shook their heads at me. Probably for me accusing him of giving everyone pills, oh well. I've said what I think so I have no worries, right?

I picked up my sketch pad and ran out the store.

I put everything in my bag and rode away on my motorbike.

I quickly thought to myself.

"This is the last of shadow skies..."

A/N: Drama bomb! Yeah I thought I'd update. School don't want meh ;-: I'm ill.
Daddy's little girl is no longer! What's shadow gonna do?!

Stay beautiful keep it ugly,

Cleo xxx

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Where stories live. Discover now