Chapter 8

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Party Poison's P.O.V:

"Let me out now shay" I demanded. I didn't want to think about the kiss because I knew it was too embarrassing and awkward. I mean we were best friends in kindergarten and that's where we first met but do I want this? Maybe it was just 'experimenting' but either way I felt like a douche for walking off.

"First! What happened this morning?" She asked.

When I looked at her my heart goes fuzzy. I can't speak, her looks are hypnotising. She's so beautiful. But I guess that's a reason why I'm so afraid, she'd never actually like me, right? I mean who would like one of the futagatives that is on the number one extermination list? No one, that's who!

I just rolled my eyes, not showing any sign that I like her.. I like her a lot. When she's nervous she has this curious look on her face, when she smiles my heard thumps in my chest. She reminds me of sweetness. Nothing much more to be said. I like her, a lot. A lot lot. You catch my drift?

"What do you mean what happened this morning?" I asked, knowing what she was getting to. I was scared of what she'd say. No one goes for the guy who has red hair, wears a blue leather jacket, I mean who actually wears a blue leather jacket outside when it's nearly over one hundred out there? Crazy!

"Our.." She trailed off and coughed. "kiss," She blushed. Wait... Blushing? Might she like me like I like her? Maybe! Oh my.. I hope she does, it would totally make my year, if I live it. I mean you never know when your going to die, I could die tomorrow. I could be exterminated in a month, I. Just don't know.

"What was it meant to be?" I asked, adding a bitter sound to the tone of my voice. 'Does she like me or should I just forget it?' I asked myself. I thought about it and thought there's no point in trying. I'll probably get jealous a lot because she's such a flirtatious person.

"All I want to know is did it actually mean something or are you playing with my heart and gut?" She asked. She sounded close to tears, I hope I don't make them fall, I know how I get when I'm angry though.

"NO do you actually think I'd want to kiss you?" I questioned. It felt like the right decision at first but when the words came out I was thinking 'what the fuck am I saying this for?' This is all pointless. I don't want to hurt her but I think I will accidentally.

"You know what?" She asked. Her words filled me with suspense, I was longing to hear the words that would come out of her mouth. "What!" I shouted. I admit, I can be a bit of a diva. That's why they call me 'sass master.'

"I um.. Genuinely liked that kiss, it was my first, your a fucking douche! I actually thought I could live that stupid fairy tale fantasy but I guess it's not worth trying! The world is better off without me!" She screamed.

She doesn't consider anyone else's emotions it's just me, me, me.

Ooh, look here! I'm korse's daughter! I like to be a stoopid teenage girl! Hehe don't mind me I'm just having a stupid blonde moment and I'll act 'ferocious' as if It's my time of the month!

"You know what shay? Your right. The world is better off without you, I am not a douche, your immature and evil, how the fuck am I meant to trust you if your korse's daughter? Your ugly, pathetically and I really hope you kill yourself or get exterminated because you are and always will be a pathetic piece of shit!" I screamed, immediately regretting what I was saying.

I saw her face crumple like it always used too.

It's got to her and I think I've just broken her heart..

She made a run for it and I was left sitting on my bed, starring into space.


Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt