Chapter 18

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Shadow's P.O.V:

Days went to days and weeks went to weeks. Time Definitely flies by when you set your mind to something. It's crazy how many teens and little kids get thrown into my unit. I can only really bring people with potential and I can tell as soon as I see someone. That guy Party Poison found? He's now the leader of zone two. A very powerful and high up meaningful guy that was. I'm proud I busted him out. It actually means a lot that we changed his destiny. I'd prefer him to put his skills towards being a killjoy since he was standing up for them instead of wasting away in a cell and getting tortured daily.

The funny thing is that when you have nothing to do in a desert with ray guns, colours and a training camp you progress more. All the kids, the killjoys, the deaf and the blind. Hell, even BLI don't stand a chance anymore.
I'm BLI's weapon.
The ticking time bomb.
The Destroya.
I could implode in a minute and everyone would be dead...

Right now I'm checking out the camp, observe some classes. Party Poisons is going to be with the others all day today. So being the loner I am, I'm going to be by myself. Except that I won't, I'll be with the kids I busted out and put in the camp I made. But obviously with the teachers too. If I find out they're doing a crap job I won't be pleased but I won't be angry. I'll push the guys to be the best teachers and they'll push the killjoys to be the best they can.

I walked into the school and checked my checklist. The first session is art so I walked in the opposite direction of the doors I came through and started making my way to the art corridor. When I finally find the class I sassily walked through the room and sat at the back.

"Hey where's Fun Ghoul?" I asked the class.

People murmured but I never actually heard a answer. I heard faint shouts in the hallway but I decided not to be nosy and stay put in my seat.

The door opens and slams shut. The Killjoy jacket I remember so well is visible and I can't stop looking at his tattoos. I hate to say it but Frank is one hot moefoe. The one tattoo that really catches my eye is the one on his elbow... The guns are awesome!

"Sorry I'm late!" He made his way to the front of the class completely ignoring me. The class laughs. I looked around and saw everyone's eyes on Frank. I guess he's a pretty good teacher for everyone to be staring at him like that. Some girls were winking at him and fangirling which I don't know why... But I got jealous. "So were gonna be working on our killjoy names today." He stated. Everyone cheered and he beamed at them. He glanced over at me before rolling his eyes. I won't lie, that pissed me off.

I got up and ran up to him. "Hey Fun Ghoul!" I walked up to him and waved my hand in front of his face. He rolled his eyes before cursing underneath his breath. "Shadow, sit back down," he mumbled.

"Who are you?" A blonde girl with red eyes asked.

"Okay I'm Shadow Skies, I'm Fun Ghoul's close friend. My father is Korse and I'm literally a ticking time bomb. I help people like you guys and if you remember correctly I busted all of you out of my unit; I'm an undercover killjoy." I explained.

"That explains a lot?" She said sarcastically.

"Yes it does! I'm going to be observing classes today and so is ge-Party poison. He's also an undercover." I snapped.

"Just sit at the back, destroya and I'll talk to you." he said rubbing his neck awkwardly.

I walked to the back of the classroom and stared intently around me. The walls were a pale green. Like an Apple White. Ever since I was assigned by my father a few months ago my whole worlds turned upside down. In a good way though. I'm really surprised Frank is running this class. From the time I spent with the killjoys he was never the creative one.. More of the crazy and caring one that cared for everyone. I remember when I was upset about Party Poison. He was helping me get better.

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Where stories live. Discover now