Chapter 16

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Shadow Skies' P.O.V:

It's been three months while Party poison and I have been living at BLI and two months I had dyed my hair. Everything is perfect I'd say. And hopefully will stay perfect for a long while.mI stretched and got out of bed, going to the coffee maker which was sadly occupied. "Morning beautiful!" Party poison greeted me. "Hey sweetie, can you make me a coffee?" I asked sweetly. "Of course!" He smiled and pecked my cheek.

"I love you Gee"

"I love you too Shay!"

Why is Gerard up this early? He always moans at me for waking him up... This doesn't add up. Weird. Maybe I should go and see e others and see how they are doing. I feel like I should and I feel like I owe them information... Don't I?

"I'm gonna quickly go to the toilet!" I lied.

I was actually going out for a bit, I don't need to be with him 24/7. It makes me seem clingy and if anything I do not want to be perceived as clingy. I climbed out the bathroom window and got on my motor bike. I started it up and rode off to make my way to the diner on route guano.

As I came to route two I pulled over, grabbing my phone in the process. My phone was blown up from texts. Well it looks as if Gee's worried. It's sad really. I need to get out though.. I'll call him and explain.

'Shay where are you?'

'Babe I'm worried!'

'are you safe?'

'Call me as soon as you read this, I need to know your safe, please don't walk out on me, I love you with all my heart!'

I sighed and called Gerard. He picked up after the first ring. Wow... Very quick.

"Shay, baby, where are you?" Gee asked, worry laced in his words.

"Oh, I remembered I needed to see a friend!" I covered for myself.

"You said you didn't have any friends!" He yelled.

"Wait, are you yelling at me?"

He sighed. " I'm sorry baby, I'm worried."

"I promise, I'll be back soon!" I giggled down the phone.

"BYE!" I giggled.

"No wai-" I cut him off.

I sighed and called Dr.D.

"Hello? Who is this and how did you get my number?" He questioned, obviously scared it's BLI. "You could say I'm a relative of you and korse?" I smirked down the phone trying to act and sound smart to my uncle. "Hey, destroya, where's your location?" He asked. "I'm on route two, what about you? You still where you was before?" I asked, not saying any location just in case there was BLI spies. "Yeah, are you with party poison?" He'd asked. "No and he doesn't know I'm going to you guys either so if you hear from him, this soon to be encounter NEVER happened, okay?" I said, explaining. "Oh, okay then, make your way to route guano and I'll get show pony to come and help you!" He chuckled. "Help me with what?" I questioned. He forgot that I don't get exterminated.. Didn't he? "Dracs?" He ask-stated. "I'm BLI now.. They won't exterminate me uncle" I explained. "Oh right! Forgot about that!" He chuckled once more."Look, Death, I'm gonna make my way there now," I stated. "Oh okay Destroya, stay safe." he told me. "You too see you soon!" I yelled down the phone.

The call ended and I made my way to the diner which was about five minute ride? Maybe three? anyways it was a quick ride!
The diner door opened, revealing a smiling Fun ghoul, Jet star, Kobra kid, Missile kid, show pony and Dr.D.

"What brings you here?" Kobra kid asked. Curious much? "Can I come inside?" I asked. "Of course, it's your home! And your uncles.. Still your more than welcome!" Show pony answered for everyone.

"Holy fucking shit your hair!" Fun ghoul squealed like a teenage girl. So I guess he thinks it looks good, that's good. Is it nice?" I asked. "More than nice" he winked at me and I felt my face grow red, I could feel the heat! Wait.. Why am I blushing? Confusing..

"Why blue though?" Jet star asked.

"Killjoy colour!" I stated.

"It suits you! Wait I thought blue or any colour for that matter, is allowed in battery city let alone The rest of the wasteland that is California!" Missile kid spoke up. "Your really remind me of my uncle, there" I pointed. "Your as intelligent as him as well," I stated.

She blushed.

I scratched the back of my neck, awkwardly and sorted out my white ripped and faded jeans. "Well let's catch up, shall we?" Dr.D asked. "We shall!" I gave a sarcastic smile. I yawned and show pony passed me a coffee. "Aww thanks hope!" I sent a grateful smile towards her."Your welcome!"

I drank my coffee slowly as Dr. D began to talk. "This is missile kid, as you already know. She is my daughter, therefore your cousin!" D explained. "That's why we felt a connection!" I exclaimed in realisation. We connected immediately, it was weird but cool. I feel like I've met her before but I guess I never have because she was born when I was like eight. "Yeah, we did!" She giggled.

She looked ten years old so I think my estimate is about right.

"I want to set up a young killjoy programme uncle," I spoke slowly, slightly trailing off. I bet they are gonna say no and say it's stupid... I hope not. "That's an awesome idea, where would we get killjoys from though?" D asked. "S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit and the orphanage! I've got granted access and party poison could be in On it too!" I exclaimed.

"Good, good... You do realise this is a very risky plan? Are you that sneaky?" Ghoul asked. "I am destroya, aren't I not?" I sassed putting a hand on my hip and my wrist in a circular motion. "I guess so.." He trailed off and sighed. "Wait.. Your destroya?" Missile kid asked. So many questions! "Yeah.. The one and only!" I giggled and stroked her long curly hair. Her hair is beautiful and silky like Ray's.

"How l are you gonna get the kids to here? Will we need another location?" Kobra asked.

"I can get a truck, I know people" I winked. "and yeah.. You probably will, this is the new generation of killjoys were talking about!" I exclaimed, making missile giggle.

"Killjoy training camp 1.0 is on the go!" Fun ghoul chuckled mindlessly making everyone laugh.

"Okay killjoys, this is important so look alive and never let the dracs take the light behind your eyes!" I yelled enthusiastically.

"ARE YOU WITH ME?" I chanted.

"YEAH!" They all yelled back.

"Well let's get this fucking show on the road!" I grinned.

Let's do this killjoys!

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Where stories live. Discover now