Chapter 7

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"Party poison!" I yelled again, trying to grab is attention. He just walked faster, quickening his pace and walked up to a door. I walked up to him once more and he slammed the door in my face. I sighed and made my way to the kitchen where I found a coffee maker.

"Score!" I said dramatically.

I heard a giggle from behind myself. I turned around to see who it came from and my eyes landed on the guy that shared a bed with me last night.

"Hey while your at it can you make me a coffee too? I wanna get one before the way's drink it all," he giggled. He was quite the adorable killjoy, isn't he? At least I think so.

"Hello?" He yelled, probably trying to catch my attention. "Oh hi sorry I was deep in thought.." I blushed, that must have made it pretty awkward. Well even more awkward than sleeping in a bed with a cute dude that I don't even know and then in the morning having to wake him up and point down to his arms which were wrapped around my weist, no! That's not awkward at all! -note the sarcasm-

"Oh that's okay, I'm fun ghoul by the way, just in case you forgot!" He smiled at me, it was a warm and welcoming smile. I don't see many of those sweet, heart warming and welcoming smiles anymore.. "I don't exactly know who it am at the moment, otherwise I'd love to tell you!" I said sarcastically but meant every word I said. I was very confused. It's like.. Am I Shadow Skies or Destroya Skies, I have two identities. I could go by both or choose to go by one. I think I'll probably just go with Shadow with BLI and Destroya with Killjys, it's easier, right?

He frowned. "You don't know who you are? That's kind of deep.." He gazed at me. He looked deeply and utterly confused, something that I can't help him with. He's so cute and adorable, I kind of feel sick thinking about everything now, it's all crazy! I frowned and looked to the floor. "Well ever since I've been sent here on this mission I've been really confused, I don't know what to believe or if I should even turn back home to my dad" I said.

"Wait.. Turn back home?" He asked.

I told him how my dad is korse and the whole thing about getting sent on a mission and how Gerard rebelled. I started to tear up, I didn't know how I was meant to just leave what's happened as what's happened and never see my father again.

I started to cry. I have so much emotion bottled up that I never really get to let tears come out. After all I guess that tears are words the heart can't express.. It's all crazy. I don't get why my dad changed my name, it must be for a good reason, right?

"I'm so fucking confused and I feel I get rejected everywhere I go because go my... Past" I cried. "Hey, hey, don't you cry, if you cry I'll cry!" He gasped and pretended to cry. How adorable he is in a jokey way... I rolled my eyes and wiped underneath my lash line, making sure at any eyeliner hadn't smudged or left a trail. He pretended to cry, attempting to make me laugh, again.

"I don't see what the whole point of living is, I'm probably gonna be exterminated my.. My.. FUCKING DAD" I screamed in realisation. What if this is what my dad is going to do? Make me an important person to the community then kill me? Exterminate me! Oh wow, I've never felt so bad like this. It's like someone's stabbed me, cut my chest open, cut my heart out, filled it with vampire blood, sewn it back and sewn my chests skin back in place.

Bottom line is: I'm an emotional wreck, a horrible mess.

"Hey shay, your not gonna get exterminated, especially by your dad, I won't allow it!" He grabbed my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Gerard walked into the kitchen looking pissed off. "What the fuck are you two doing?" Party questioned, looking mad. "Dude, she was crying so I cheered her up!" Ghouls bubbly ness faded away when he saw Gerard's expression.

Gerard almost looked... Jealous?

I ignored my thoughts and poured me and franks coffee, leaving just enough for Gerard. I couldn't hold it in much longer, I needed to talk to him. Badly.

"Hey, Poison?" He flinched when I said his name.. Weird. That kinda took me back a bit, why would he flinch at me saying his name? "What?" He snapped. I rolled my eyes at his attitude. "Look, can we talk?" I asked. "Why?" He asked in monotone. I rolled my eyes and dragged him to his bedroom.

"USE PROTECTION GUYS!" Fun ghoul shouted.

I bursted out laughing and poison smirked.

I closed the door and locked it before placing myself in front of it so Gerard couldn't get out. "Let me out now, Shay," He ordered. I sighed. "First! What happened this morning?" I asked hesitantly. He rolled his eyes almost immediately.

"What do you mean what happened this morning?" He sneered. I've never actually seen him using is attitude before. It's so bitter and too out of character for him to be using. I'm not used to him acting like this. When he's angry his cheeks fire a shade of red that's as red as hair. I made my conclusion that he's obviously insecure.

"Our.." I paused and coughed. "kiss" I blushed.

"What was it meant to be?" He asked.

"All I want to know is did it actually mean something or are you playing with my heart and gut?" I asked growing impatient. If he was actually trying to play with my emotions then that's a really arsey move. I can't believe what an arse he is. It's actually really surprising. Really surprising.

"NO do you actually think I'd want to kiss you?" He questioned. You know at actually made my heart break. I could feel the re-constructed heart shattering, the demon blood was spilling and coursing through my veins. I was about to blow. The anger that I've been keeping in for years. I was about to explode like one of them demolished volcanos.

You know what?" I asked. "What!" He asked back, his face growing red with anger. "I um.. Genuinely liked that kiss, it was my first, your a fucking douche! I actually thought I could live that stupid fairy tale fantasy but I guess it's not worth trying! The world is better off without me!" I screamed. It was so awkward when I said that. 'Fairy tale fantasy'? What was I thinking? Oh Gee I'm head over heels for this guy and it hurts to know he doesn't even like me back. Not one smidge...

"You know what shay? Your right. The world is better off without you, I am not a douche, your immature and evil, how the fuck am I meant to trust you if your korse's daughter? Your ugly, pathetically and I really hope you kill yourself or get exterminated because you are and always will be a pathetic piece of shit!" He screamed.

I think I felt my heart break even more.

I quickly stormed off and I could see everyone through a waterfall of tears asking me what happened.

Well done party poison, you are officially on my list to kill!

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant