Chapter 17

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Shadow's P.O.V:

Remember that day when I went to see my uncle? Well that was about a month ago and I can tell you a lot has happened since then.
I was gone every morning and every night, Party poison grew suspicious, I knew I had to tell him soon. He thought I was cheating on him. I would never do that though.. Plus I love him so much that when he cries a tear slips down my Cheek. I'm always worried for him. He never talks about killjoys anymore. He never mentions his past, his brother, I'm beginning to think he's hiding something. He's so emotionless now. It scares me. I hope I can get the old Gee back... My Gee.

"Gee?" I ask, my voice echoing through the silence.

"Yeah shay?"

I sighed and buried my head in my hands. "Shay what's wrong?" He asked. He kind of sounded like he was a robot, he doesn't even have expression in his voice anymore! What the fuck has happened to my Gee? It doesn't sound right. "I want to tell you something but I don't know how you'll react and you'll probably leave me!" I cried, whimpering into his chest. "I love you! Please tell me your not cheating, oh my god you are aren't you!" He yelled. "NO! Nothing like that, I'd never cheat on you honey," I replied, stroking his vibrant red hair.

"Then what?" He questioned coldly.

"Does the word killjoy ring a bell?" I asked, venom laced in my words.

He sighed.

"Look, I want to be a killjoy but your father! I got his blessing!" He covered his mouth with his hand straight after he spoke.

"Blessing?" I asked softly.

He nodded, his whole body shaking and trembling.

"So in the future when the time is right.. I.. Uh was going to ask for your hand in marriage," he whispered looking straight through my eyes. He could see right through me and I could see right through him. I love him with all my heart and I was in utter shock when he said that, I'd love to grow old with him. Any one would wouldn't they? I mean he's party poison; the leader of killjoys, the sweet one that makes time for you, self conscious and loveable, beautiful and brave.

"Well when the time is right my answer is yes, I love you," I whispered into his ear and kissed his temple.

"So.. What was it you wanted to say?" He asked. His puzzled expression making him look adorable as ever. His hair was all ruffled up and his cheek bones were sticking out. In a good way though. It made him look hot..

"I'm kinda running a killjoy training camp for little abandoned kids.. I supply food, water, ray guns and best of all: lessons from the original killjoys plus missile kid, my cousin." I rushed.

"So that's why your gone.. A lot?" He questioned.

"Yeah.." I smirked and pecked his lips.

"You know in a way.. Your living up to that name... Destroya" he whispered to himself.

"Will you help me Poison?" I asked, smirking.

"Of course, I for one think it's great what your doing!" He whisper-yelled.




It felt good for Gee to know about the program I'm running. I'm really proud of myself, it's already a killjoy camp/ school. There's no bullies, no rude jocks, no fake barbies and most importantly no one to judge you or put you down. Isn't that what any school should be like? I think so. I remember my high school years so clearly. My middle school ones were better though because I had Gerard by my side. He was with me and stood with me in every situation. I loved him and I still do. Just one of many reasons I was upset over him.

"You see any potentials yet?" Frank asked down the phone. "Yeah, lots and lots of potentials," my smirk clear in my voice. "Hey, what's your name?" Gerard asked a teenager. The fifteen year old shrugged and stared at Gerard, probably thinking on wether to trust the redhead or not. "9You must know your name!" Gerard argued. The boy sadly shook his head left and right indicating he had no idea what his name was. He looked around. He didn't want to look into our eyes for some odd reason... Maybe I should let him know that we're not BLI.

"I'll ring you in a minute Frank, 'Kay?" "Sure! Bye" he said.

I walked up to the cell that Gerard was looking into. The fifteen year old kind of just lied there in the middle of the room he had. He had a pained look on his face. His brown hair was overgrown and was in need of a good brush. His green eyes glanced at us before hesitantly looking away to the ground.

"Hi!" I walked up to the cell and smiled. He looked up and stared at me. "Hey..." He said awkwardly with a dumb expression thrown on his face. "Is he Party Poison?" The boy asked me before pointing at Gerard. "Uh... Yeah," I said as equally as awkward as him. "You okay? Why you in here?" I asked. His face turned sour and he scrunched his face up. "I'm in here because I stood up for the killjoys and how they are fighting for the right reasons! I got thrown in here and IM NOT O-FUCKING-KAY!" He yelled.

"I like you kid!" I giggled high giving him while Gee just smirked.

His face looked like he was struck with realisation and he sent us death glares. "Wait.. Aren't you apart of BLI?" He questioned. My eyes probably widened and Gerard just glanced at us.

I did a hand gesture to him to get him to get close so I could whisper something. I leant down to his ear and I saw him smirking. "Yes and no. My father is korse but I'm the undercover killjoy. I go by many names," I whispered. He gulped and jerked back. He looked kind of threatened?

He nodded his head showing he understood.

"You wanna get the fuck out of here?" I asked. He sent me a frightened expression but screamed "Hell yeah!" Over enthusiastically anyways.

I looked back at Gee and he looked at me.

"Party! Call Fun Ghoul!"

Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant