Chapter 13

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Party Poison's P.O.V:

I yawned and stretched my legs, starting to walk to shays room. Yes we can't even share a room together, ridiculous right? I mean I would've thought her father would want us to spend time together, not having to travel to be together! My legs are still achy from being a killjoy.

I passed a coffee machine and thought to myself: 'I'm a part of BLI and I have a card where I can get stuff for free.. Yeah I'll get a coffee for the road.'

I quickly used the machine and got two coffees thinking of shadow as well as myself. I don't know wether she likes coffee or not but if she doesn't then I'll have hers. I hope she does like coffee... Coffee is awesome and everyone should drink it.

I straightened out my white BLI uniform.

I know what your probably thinking, party poison is a part of BLI now? I can explain, it will all be worth the wait, trust me! So basically, I have this plan, I could become a leader with shay to lead battery city. All her dad wants is for her to be happy;most when the time is right I will eventually talk to her about it.

I started to whistle a song that I wrote for her... I love her so much!

"Shay? Wakey wakey!" I whispered. She groaned and rolled over. She looked kind of pissed off I've disturbed her from her sleep. She looks so adorable though, her black hair was all in her face! "Ah gee, fuck off please?" She sounded so cute even though she was insulting me. All I could do really is smile because she's so adorable. Cutiepie Shadow...

"I've got coffee!" I cooed. Her head popped up and she stared at my hands. "I'm up!" She exclaimed. She got the styrofoam cup out of my grip and drank it all up. She grabbed mine and started to drink mine. I did a pouty face and she did one back.

I giggled at her quirkiness.

"So what did you whisper to my dad that month ago?" She asked, taking a large gulp of my coffee. Aww she looks so adorable even though she stole my coffee and she's drinking it all...

"Um.. Not now!" I yelled.

"Do you not trust me Gerard?" She asked sternly.

"It's just a secret; you'll find out soon, I promise" I sent her a mischievous smirk. I could tell she was hating this. No way did she like me keeping stuff from her. And yes, it has been a month since we gave our selfs up for our friends freedom, we however are fine, as long as we're together. I hope the other fabulous killjoys are okay..


A/N: I'm sorry it's so short.. I just lack the motivation at the moment with all my depression and shit.

So yeah I'm off school tomorrow due to appointment.. But don't worry, that means I can update a bit tomorrow!


Korse's daughter, the undercover killjoy. (Party Poison love story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя