The next day.

I walk into my last class, Art, the next day and smile back at Theo, a friend of Vulcan and Indigo's. Setting my bag down, I prop myself up on the stool beside him. My mind is swimming with thoughts about Vulcan, and I have not been able to distract myself once I woke up for school. My brain is having a field day flooding pictures to the forefront of my mind and forcing me to think about last night. Theo nudges me, making me snap my head up and look around in confusion. 

"Are you okay?" He whispers, frowning at me in concern.

I nod, smiling weakly but it does nothing to ease his worry. Sighing, I focus on the task ahead and listen to my teacher talk excitedly about what we are going to be doing today. Placing a canvas on the easel, I squirt some paint colors onto my palette before bringing it back to the table with two brushes in hand.

During the middle of the lesson, I nearly drop my paintbrush when Theo grabs my palette before picking up our bags and dragging me out of class. He nods to the teacher on the way out who looks like she has seen this before and is totally okay with it. I, on the other hand, am quite surprised that she has no objections to students cutting class before the bell rings.

Theo leads me out of the school and towards the back, passing the running track on the way and the screaming coach who is shouting out orders to the players. He places our bags on one of the wooden tables and forces me to sit across from him, his hands clasped together on the table with a frown on his lips.

"Spill it. You've been distracted and gloomy all day." He asks in a firm voice as if daring me to lie.

So naturally, I do, because I'm such a rebel. "Nothing's wrong, I –"

"Cut the bullshit, Aurora." He huffs, crossing his arms intimidatingly.

"Is this about Vulcan?" He asks softly, dipping his head low so he can meet my eyes as I look down at the table, pensively.

My head snap up at his words, eyes widening. "You think so too?"

"Think what?"

"That he – he's not n-normal. He jumped out of my window last night and – and then walked away! With not a scratch in sight and he growls and his eyes change colour –"

"Hey," Theo hushes, walking over to me and placing his arm around my shoulder. "Vulcan is...normal okay, he'll tell you everything when the time is right but when he does...Aurora, I just want you to keep an open mind and not run without letting him explain everything."

"He's normal?" I croak, looking at him dubiously when he nods in reply.

I don't believe him but still nod. Standing up when the bell rings, we head back inside to collect our books and head home. I wave goodbye to him as he gets into one car and drives off before heading over to Alex who is waiting for me with Sophia.

Theia wants me over for dinner tonight and I'm so ready to stuff myself. We strap ourselves in and drive over to the Valentine's place, singing the songs that belt out of the radio along the way. I laugh when Alex and I both reach the high notes before he coughs. Patting his back, I change the station and wince when Sophia squeals loudly as her favorite artist starts singing.

I sing in time to the beat, all of us chuckling at our terrible voices but continuing regardless. Soon, Alex has parked in the driveway and we are all heading inside. Opening the door, I grin when I smell food cooking, rushing inside to greet Theia in the kitchen. Groaning, I cover my eyes when I see Darius plant a kiss on Theia's lips.

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