"You don't want her!" She spat at him "She is a child she doesn't know how to please a man! I don't know why you even want her working at the bagnio!" She spat at me, her posture giving away just how much it pissed her off to see Roman throwing advances at me.

Roman chuckled "She is not a child, she is 23 years old." He gave her a questioned look.

She began to talk in a rushed frustrated manner to Roman in her own language, by the sounds of it Russian and when she finally stopped to take a breath Roman turned from her to look at me with curiosity.

"Kristina here has told me that you have only had sex with one person...Tom." He asked as he looked at me.

I shook my head "What? No! I've slept with more...why does this matter?"

Roman took a few steps towards me "Frank doesn't count, he didn't fuck you that night, he drugged you, caused you to believe you were having sex when really you were passed out on his bed."

I looked at him startled "I know what happened, we had sex."

"No you didn't, I sent Kristina and Frank to Tokyo to suss you guys out, Frank's mission was to get information from you and that's exactly what he did."

Kristina piped up from behind Roman "He's telling you the truth, I was in the room with Frank the whole time you were in there, fast asleep on hotel bed, powerful drug isn't it." She smirked at me.

The leftovers of that night were no longer well known to me but it made sense to me now considering I felt as though I knew exactly what I was doing the whole time I was with Frank when in reality I was still quite new with exploring my sexual side.

"You're still practically a virgin." Kristina snickered.

I looked at her irritated "Oh trust me, I'm not a virgin." I may have only had willing sex once with Tom but still, that night was so full of pain and passion it was never going to be forgotten, it was always going to be dug deep in my brain, the way he touched me, the way he made my skin crawl with pleasure as he rubbed me all the right ways.

Roman came closer now and placed his hands on my shoulders to get my attention "Interesting...now you would become very popular with my clientele if they knew how inexperienced you are, not all of us get to fuck virgins in our lifetime so if they believed they were doing just that you could make me some good money."

"I'm not a fucking virgin!" I snapped at him.

"They don't need to know that." He laughed "Or maybe I will help you get a bit more experienced first huh, what about that?"

I ignored his suggestion and waited for him to let me go. He smirked at me before releasing me from his grip and heading towards the door "Let's get going."


The car finally came to stop out front of a nightclub in the middle of the city and I stepped out of the car along with Roman, Kristina and two bodyguards. We made our way to the entrance and I lagged behind as they made their way in. The place was dark with red strobe lights flashing throughout and a thick fog coating the dance floor. We made our way through the club the loud hard core music blaring from the speakers that surrounded the room. We made our way through the crowd and too a set of stairs where a man stood dressed just as his other bodyguards. He unclipped the chain blocking the entrance to let us straight through. We made our way upstairs and Kristina made a B-line for the bar as Roman sat down on a leather couch, patting the spot beside him motioning for me to sit down next to him. I obliged and took a seat beside him.

"Now Taylor, from now on your name is going to be Crimson, due to this beautiful fiery red hair of yours, I hope you like it." He smiled at me as he twirled a piece of my long hair through his fingers before placing it up to his nose and breathing in. "Now I want you take a good long hard look around you Crimson, for this place, this world is your new one. From now on you work for me and you will work in this nightclub either as a dancer, bartender or one of my whore's and the way you're going you may as well be one of the whore's." I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat, please anything but that.

"Please, I can bar tend, you don't have to make me-" I was cut short by Roman pressing his finger against my lips.

"Listen to me right now, you do as I fucking say, if you argue with me again you will be severely beaten and I don't want to damage the merchandise." He trailed a finger up my leg before clapping his hands together suddenly "Now! Take it all in, have a good look around, tomorrow night will be your first shift and I expect some good numbers out of you, if not you will be in trouble and I will show you exactly what happened to the last girl who caused a problem for one of my clients."

I looked to the crowd ahead of me, people dancing and having a great time, completely oblivious to the dark underworld that was all around them. The women all dressed provocatively danced on their poles, grinded on their clients and brought drinks around to the men and I couldn't help but panic at the thought that that was going to be me tomorrow night. The voices around me suddenly became a blur and I stared into the crowd without even taking a second to blink, it felt as though I was not really there, it felt as though I was the only person in the room right now. I stared into the crowd and took in a sharp breath as I noticed a tall dark figure in the crowd, a familiar one. I tilted my head slowly to the side, trying to let my eyes focus on my target. His dark brown eyes pierced mine as they made contact and his large powerful stance stood out among the others around him. He stood without moving a muscle as the crowd danced oblivious around him and I arched forward in my seat. It felt as thought everything but him and I was a blur, the world had come to a stop and we were the only ones moving. His lips began to move but I couldn't make out what he was saying and then with that he turned away from me and disappeared into the crowd of sweaty bodies.

I immediately jumped from my seat and ran towards the crowd, my feet determined to get me there. I pushed through the crowd, people dancing all around me as I searched frantically through the crowd. I tried calling his name, I tried but it felt as though nothing was coming out. I continued to look around me, pushing my way through the crowd till I finally came out the other end...nothing. I stared into the empty room with complete devastation and confusion, what did I just see? I'm so sure it was him.

"Come here!" I snapped out of my trance by a rough pair of hands grabbing at my shoulders, it was Roman. He yanked me through the crowd and dragged me back down the stairs "You want to play fucking games and try to escape huh?" He turned to face me and slapped me hard across the face, at that moment it felt like nothing to me.

He gripped me roughly again and pulled me through the crowd "I'm going to show you exactly how the fuck you are going to turn out if you ever pull that shit again!" And with that he threw me into the back of his car and the driver took off.

A Beautiful Lie - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now