Chapter 43

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A/N: Thought it would be cool to give you all a visual of Marah so credit to google for that image. Lol Thank you again for all the love! PS: Baby Hope visual coming soon. Also mature content in the beginning which will for sure be followed by some laughs. 

Maya POV

I'm at the 38 week mark in my pregnancy now and boy am I ready to have this baby. Marah has been adjusting incredibly well. She and Gabe have really formed a bond. Every night since she's been with us she has read him to sleep but Lucas and I always make sure she sleeps in her own bed. About an hour after getting the kids down and cleaning up around the house I finally went to join Lucas who was in bed watching TV. I was feeling rather horny lately so I figured I'd jump his bones tonight after I finished everything around the house. The only problem was when I made it back to our bedroom he was asleep. I was clearly not in the mood for this so I decided to wake him up in the best way I knew how. I went straight for his pants, grabbed every inch of him and put him in my mouth. Within in seconds I felt his hands going to my hair. I knew that would wake him up. 

"Fuck Maya a bit of a warning would have been nice" He said as I continued to lap my tongue around him. 

I pulled off him "Are you actually fucking complaining right now?" I said to him in annoyed tone. 

"No, I'm good." he said clearly knowing I wasn't in the fucking mood. 

I continued to work him up then moved up his body and placed my lips on his. We made out for a few seconds before I pulled away. I wanted him so bad I had my clothes off within seconds. His hands went to chest and I let out moan as he cupped my breasts. His hand then moved between my legs and he gently rubbed me until he got me off. I need him so much. He pulled his hand away and I bent down to kiss him. 

I pulled away and placed his hand on mine "Fuck this I need you now." I said then I grabbed a hold of myself and began to lower myself on him. 

I began to lower myself when all of a sudden I got a shooting pain in my abdomen followed my a small amount of leakage. This wasn't just any shooting pain this was a contraction and this was my water starting to break. I grabbed a hold of my stomach and Lucas looked at me both confused and terrified. 

"Whats wrong?" he asked me and I could tell he was a bit alarmed. 

I jumped off him and onto the floor "Lucas you need to call Riley. I'm so sorry but Hope has other plans and my water is starting to break. I just had a contraction." 

"Holy fuck this is going to be the worst case of blue balls ever." he replied and I glared at him. 

"Because that's clearly the response I'm looking for." I said to him and the look on his face is priceless. 

"Its fine that's what my hand is for. I'll call Riley you get around." he replied as he grabbed his phone. 

I could tell he was a nervous wreck so I didn't want to be to hard on him. I got around while he called Riley. I checked on the kids and both were sleeping. Every now and then I would have contraction. I really did feel bad for Lucas  that he was left hanging like that. Granted I was in the mood too but I could deal with it. I was sitting on the couch waiting for him when he finally re-emerged from our bedroom carrying my overnight bag and Hope's bag. 

"The kids are still asleep. Riley is going to be here shortly." he said to me as he sat down beside me. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine. I'm really sorry that this happened" I replied. 

"Don't worry about it. I took care of it." he replied just as there was a knock at the door. 

He went over to get it and it was Riley arriving. She had Alyssa with her which I felt bad but at least the baby slept through it all. 

"Thanks so much Riles." I said to her as she walked in. 

"It's no problem paeches." she said as she sat Alyssa's carrier down on the floor. 

"Seriously who would have thought Maya would go into labor just as we were about to have sex?" Lucas blurted out. 

"Looks like Farkle owes me $50 bucks." Riley replied. Lucas and I looked at each other so confused. 

"What does that have to do with Maya going into labor?" Lucas asked. 

"I told him that I wouldn't be surprised if at the rate you two were going with having sex almost everyday for the past few weeks that she'd probably end up going into labor during one of those times. He thought I was crazy and I bet him $50 bucks. Looks like I was right." she answered. 

I looked at her incredulously "Are you ever going to stop ragging on me about my sex life?" 

"I will never let you live this one down." she answered and I rolled my eyes. 

"It is kind of funny." Lucas said and then I glared at him and he got the hint to shut up. 

Lucas and I thanked Riley again then left for the hospital. I was so nervous but in a good way when it came to meeting our baby girl. Lucas grabbed my hand as he drove to us to the hospital. I looked over at him and happened to look back at me and smile. 

"Are you excited?" he asked me. 

"Yes, but also nervous." I answered honestly. 

"Me too. I'm feeling all kinds of emotions. I'm excited but its hitting me about Gabe again." he replied. 

"It's okay. I understand why it would." I replied. 

Lucas rubbed his thumb against my hand, "I can't wait to meet her and hold her in my arms." 

"Same. I feel like this is going to rather quickly this time." 

"You think so?" he asked me. 

"I do. This whole pregnancy has been different than Gabriel's." I replied. 

Lucas started laughing "The way you went into labor with Hope is definitely going to be a story to tell. We can torture her with that in her teen years." 

"That's for damn sure. Although my sister is never going to let me live this down." I replied. 

"You got to admit this would happen to us though." he said and then I laughed. 

"Yeah I guess you are right." I replied. 

Lucas and I arrived at the hospital 10 minutes later. Mom bless her heart was already there waiting for us. Once I was taken to a room on OB and examined the doctor confirmed what I had said earlier to Lucas about how this was probably going to go quick. I was already 5cm dilated. One thing is for sure I cannot wait for Lucas and I to come face to face with our baby girl. 

A/N: Yay Baby Hope is on the way! Lucas and Maya deserve a happy ending. Thinking of ending this at Chapter 45 unless you guys want a few chapters of them with baby Hope. Let me know.  As for a sequel I'm still debating if I'm doing that so tell me your thoughts on tha too. :)

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