Chapter 33

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A/N: Glad you liked the last update. I love me some Lucaya cuteness.

Maya POV

Today was the day that we were telling Gabe about Lucas moving in with us. We were so happy and excited to tell him. Mom brought him to us at around Noon. He couldn't stop talking about the fun him and Uncle Auggie had. We were all cuddling on the couch in my living room discussing what we were going to do today. I was laying against Lucas, and Gabe was laying on me with his head on my shoulder when Lucas decided to speak up.

"Come see Daddy for a minute." Lucas said and then he picked Gabe up off of me. "I want to tell you something."

"What is it?" Gabe curiously asked as he looked at his Dad. It was so cute watching them interact.

"Mommy and I have a surprise for you." he said and I couldn't help but smile. I sat so I could watch Gabe's reaction when Lucas told him what it was.

"Is Mommy having a baby?" Gabe blurted out and I started laughing.

"If she is then she has some explaining to do." Lucas said and I couldn't help but chuckle some more. "But no that's not it. How would you like if Daddy lived with you and Mommy?"

I watched as Gabe's face lit right up. "I would love it. You would be with us all the time and we would be family just like Alex is with his Mommy and Daddy." he said excitedly.

"What if we told you that Daddy is already living with us?" I said with a smile.

"Yay!!" he said and it reminded me so much of his Aunt Riley then I watched as he gave Lucas a big hug. "I still get to be with you when Mommy works right?"

Lucas nodded "Yes, you do. We'll have all kinds of fun while Mommy's gone. Maybe we'll even stop in and see my friend Steph." 

"Yeah we'll see about that. Don't push it or I'll change my mind." I said to him and he started laughing.

"What? She's hot as hell." he said and I knew at this point he was just messing with me but it irritated me anyways.

"Hmm maybe I'll hit Chad up,.  You know the ex boyfriend I work with." I said just to get back at him.

"You two are crazy. I'm going to play with my toys." Gabe said then he got up off Lucas lap and ran off to his room.

"That's one trait you get from your mother." Lucas hollered as Gabe took off running I could hear him giggling after Lucas said that.

As soon as Gabe was out of sight I threw a pillow and hit Luacs on the head with it. Lucas turned around and pushed me back on the couch causing me to laugh. I felt his lips on my neck, I sighed but the giggled when he pulled away and looked at me.

"Who are you calling crazy?" I said and  looked down at me with a smile on his face and began tickling me.

"You. You're so crazy jealous its actually funny." he said and I began to put my hands through his hair.

"Nah I just like to make you think I am. You on the other hand are insanely jealous." I replied.

"You love it. It turns you on." he said in a low husky voice as his hands began to wander uner my shirt.

"Lucas." I warned. "Don't even."

Lucas started laughing "You sure are concerned about where my hands are going. You afraid of being turned on?"

"I'm not afraid of anything." I said to him.

"Hmm. Is that so." He said as he slipped his hands in my pants.

I placed my hand over his and giggled "I'm serious. You know how I am when you do this. You'll get me all horny and we won't be able to finish because of a certain 5 year old."

"You're so cute." He said then he leaned in and kissed me softly before pulling away. "And I love you."

"I love you too but this just proves you're the crazy one." I giggled. 

"What? How?" he grinned. 

"Trying to turn me on when hes literally right down the hall." I answered. 

Lucas started tickling me again then his mouth made its way to my neck which tickled me and made me laugh harder. He stopped then he looked at me and kissed me to which I gave into it. We were kissing for a few minutes when our son decided to reemerge from his bedroom.  Luckily Lucas heard and was off me before Gabe entered the living room.

"What's so funny, Mommy?" Gabe said as he walked in. 

"Daddy. He's funny looking." I said and then Lucas looked at me and rolled his eyes. 

"Not as funny looking as Mommy though." Lucas shot back. 

Gabe giggled "Yeah you're both funny looking." he said. "I want to go outside Mommy." 

I turned to look at Lucas. "It is nice out. We should go for a walk." I replied. 

"We can." he said. 

Lucas, Gabe, and I got around to go for a walk. It really was a beautiful summer day. We ended up taking Gabe to the Empire State Building. It was fun to see that beautiful view of the city. After that Lucas wanted to take him to the big Toys R Us on Time Square which at first I was against but then I gave into it. He let Gabe pick out a toy and then we took a ride on the big Ferris Wheel. After that we went to Central Park and took him to the playground which he loved. Lucas and I sat down on the near by bench to watch him.

"He's had a great day." I said as I smiled up at Lucas. 

"I'm beginning to love days like this where its just the three of us doing things as a family." Lucas replied. 

"Me too." I said as I leaned my head on his shoulder. "That's what I always wanted." 

"I love you." He said. 

I lifted my head up off his shoulder and smiled at him "I love you too." I said before leaning in and kissing him softly. 

We let Gabe play a little longer before going back home so that I could make dinner. As I did that the two of them played watched a movie while they played Legos. Gabe was so happy having Daddy here and that melted my heart because seeing my son happy made me happy. Lucas was such a wonderful Dad. I couldn't be more blessed and lucky to have him in my and Gabe's life.

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