Chapter 18

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A/N: Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update! Lol. I was doing something of how I wanted map out the rest of the story. I have an interesting story-line coming up that is hinted to in this chapter. Thanks again for all the love. And yes I heard about Girl Meets World being cancelled. Hopefully the show can be saved. Enjoy this update. :) 

Maya POV

I watched as my baby walked across the stage to get his pre-school Diploma. The most bittersweet thing about this is that since Dad is a teacher at the High School he was allowed to hand Gabe his little diploma. Gabe was so happy as excitedly ran to his Pappy across the stage. I was crying and Lucas looked over and grabbed my hand into his. His touch always made me feel safe and calmed me instantly. Once the ceremony was over and family pictures were taken we all went back to my place for his little party.  I was getting his cake ready when Lucas walked up beside me.

"Do you need any help?" he said as he wrapped his arm around me.

I turned to look at him and smiled. "I was just getting the cake around. If you want to help me get it to the table for him that would be great. My luck is that I'd drop it."

Lucas chuckled "I got it." he said as he gently lifted the cake out of his box.

I grabbed the knife and followed Lucas to the table. He sat the cake down and then put the knife beside it. Since we were ready I went to get Gabe who was currently glued to Uncle Auggie who was playing Wii with him. I could hear his laughter fill the room and it made me smiled. He adored my brother and I loved that to two had such a good relationship. 

"Gabe are you ready for cake?" I said as I walked up to him.

"Who's not ready for Cake?" Riley chimed in from where she was sitting on the couch.

"Oh shut it Riles." I said playfully.

"Yeah what kind of question is that Maya?" Dad teased.

Gabe looked up from the wii "I'm ready for cake Mommy." he said as he put the controller on the table.  I took Gabe's hand walked him over to the table. I picked him up and stood him on the chair. Before cutting the cake I had Riley take some family pictures of us in front of the cake and then I took some myself of Gabe alone.

"Hey where's my candle Mommy?" Gabe asked and Mom chuckled.

"It's not your birthday silly." Mom said as she walked over and hugged him.

I watched as Gabe hugged her back and smiled "I know Mammy but still. Who has cake without a candle?" he said and I chuckled.

Lucas helped cut the cake and dish it out. I have to say it was delicious.  We visited among each other and then after about an hour or so everyone left. Gabe was sitting on the floor playing with his cars and I was cuddled into Lucas on the couch.

"It's almost bedtime soon baby." I said causing Gabe to look up at me.

He got up off the floor and walked over to Lucas and I. He crawled up into my lap and put his arm around me. I could feel him playing with my hair.

"Is Daddy going to stay with us again?" he asked me.

"If he wants to." I said as I looked up at Lucas who was smiling.

"I'll stay but Mommy's right you need get ready for bed. I'll read you a story if you want." Lucas replied. 

Gabe yawned and stretched his arms out, "Okay. I'll get my jammy's on and pick out a book." he said before getting down off my lap. 

He took off towards his room and when he was out site I turned to look at Lucas and smiled "Thank you." I said then kissed him softly. "I'm so glad you are with us." 

"No thanks needed." he smiled .

I got up off the couch and went to help Gabe if needed it. When he got his jammy's on I took him into the bathroom and helped him with his teeth then we went to my room where he picked out a book. I tucked him into bed and gave him a kiss goodnight before going to tell Lucas he was ready for him.  While Lucas read him his story I was looking at the pictures we took tonight. Its 's so nice seeing us as a family and my baby looked so much like his Daddy it was unreal. I was lost in thought and crying over how happy I was that Lucas is back with us when I felt the couch move and looked up to see Lucas had returned. 

"You okay?" he asked me out of concerned. 

I sniffled and then looked up at him. "I'm okay. I was looking through the pictures that we took tonight. My heart is just so full that you are with us. Seeing the three of us in one picture. I have longed for that since I found out I was pregnant with him." I replied as Lucas began to wipe away the tears that were streaming down my face. 

"Me too. You know our childhood wasn't easy at all for either one of us. I'm glad that we can make sure our sons is perfect for him. I want to be a family with you Maya. I want more moments like this with you and Gabriel. I actually feel whole again now that I have you and him in my life." 

I smiled up at Lucas "I can't get over how much he looks like you." I said to him. 

"I'm glad that he does and I don't mean that in an offensive way. I just mean that during those years that I wasn't here at least you could look at him and he was a reminder of me. A reminder that helped you get through and made you feel like I was with you." he said to me and I smiled at him. "Because all you had to do is look at him and you'd see me." 

"I'm not offended at all. I agree with you. I've told Mom and Riley that Gabe filled a void in my heart after you had to leave to be with your family. He really helped me go on. I'm just so happy you are here with us now." I replied.

"Me too." he said then leaned and kissed me softly before pulling away. "So I have to talk to you about something." 

"Sure anything. Whats up?" I asked him. 

"Next week I'm going to be starting a new case. There might be times that I have to work more than usual and I just wanted you to know this in case Gabe starts to miss me. I'm still here I'm not going anywhere but I just wanted you to have a heads up because I know he's got attached." Lucas replied. 

I looked at Lucas and nodded "I understand. We can talk to him about it tomorrow. I appreciate you telling me." 

"I just don't want him to think I've abandon him. Sometimes these cases can be exhausting and cause me to be extremely busy to the point I have to work over. I might have to miss some games." Lucas said as he took my hand in his and held it tightly. 

"We're a strong family unit not just you and I but also my parents, sister, brother, and even Farkle. We'll make sure Gabe is okay. Don't worry about anything. I love you."  

"I love you too Maya. So much." he said to me. 

Lucas and I cuddled for the remainder of the night before eventually going off to bed. I really like that he's starting to sleep over with us a lot more. Everything is falling into place and I couldn't be happier. 

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