Chapter 36

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A/N: I had a huge fail and totally forgot about Ava Morgenstern so I've changed the name of Farkle and Riley's baby to Alyssa. The next few chapters will be time jumps so that you guys can get a glimpse into Maya's pregnancy. Enjoy this one. :)

Maya POV

Today is February 14th which is Valentines Day but the big thing about today is that is Gabriel's 6th birthday. We are having a small party for him with just family tonight then will do something for his friends this coming weekend.  My baby is officially 6 years old. Where has the time gone? Today has had me rather emotional and the pregnancy hormones didn't help any. I've hit the 12th week mark in my pregnancy and noticed as I got out of the shower that I'm getting to show a little bit.

"Lucas!" I hollered to him excitedly as I stood in my room looking at myself in the mirror.

A few seconds later he came walking in with a look of concern on his face "Everything is fine. Come here." I said as I walked over to him.

"What's wrong?" he asked me.

"Are you okay Mommy?" Gabe asked as he came into my room a few seconds later.

I smiled widely at him "Everything is fine baby." I looked back at Lucas and grabbed his hand placing it on my belly "I noticed today that I'm starting to show a little bit."

"Mommy whats going on?" Gabe asked confused which was understandable because we haven't told him yet.

Lucas looked at me and smiled "Incredible." he said in a small whisper as he gently rubbed my small protruding baby bump.

"Isn't it though?" I said with a smile.

"It is." he replied.

I walked away from Lucas and went over to sit on my bed "Gabe come up here with Mommy. Daddy and I need to talk to you for a minute." I said as I patted the spot next to me on the bed.

As Gabe walked over and got into the bed with me Lucas looked at me "You sure about this?" he asked.

"Yeah it's time." I replied. Lucas nodded then got in bed with us.

I decided I was going to lay down on my side of the bed that way Gabe would have better view of my tummy. Gabe seemed to be a bit confused at first but once I got situated I was ready to tell him.

"Am I in trouble?" Gabe asked and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"No, you're not in trouble, bud." Lucas replied.

"Do you remember when Aunt Riley and I told you about baby Alyssa being in her tummy?" I asked Gabe who nodded in response to me.

"Yes Mommy I remember." he replied.

I grabbed Gabe's little hand and placed it on my belly then I looked at him and smiled. "Okay well I was wondering how you would feel if Mommy told you she also had a baby in her tummy?"

Gabe's eyes lit up when he noticed by little bump "You're having a baby too?" he said excitedly.

"Yes but our baby won't be here for awhile yet so it will be a wait. Are you okay with being a big brother?" I asked him.

"Yeah! I'll be a big brother like Alex. This is the best birthday present ever." Gabe said excitedly. "But I have a question Mommy."

"Ask me anything." I replied.

"Who is the Daddy?" he asked and I just lost it laughing because I looked over at Lucas for his reaction and the look on his face was priceless.

"I'm the Daddy unless there is something Mommy isn't telling me." Lucas said before giving me a look which only caused me to laugh harder.

"Good because I don't want you to leave." Gabe replied.

"I'll never leave you, Mommy, or the new baby. Ever." Lucas said with a smile.

"Good." Gabe said before looking down at my belly. I watched him for a minute then he leaned down and place a small kiss on top of my bump. "You here that baby? Daddy's staying with us."

That moment with Gabe and my baby bump definitely caused my pregnancy hormones to act up because it made me tear up just a little at how sweet he is. I was a bit worried of how he'd react since he's been an only child for 5 years. "I'm glad you are happy baby." I said to him. 

"Me too. I'm going to go play with my trains." he said as he began to crawl down off the bed. 

I watched as Gabe left our room and took the opportunity to troll Lucas once our son was out of ear shot. 

"We'll have to stop at CVS on the way home from the hospital so you can get one of the at home DNA tests." I said to Lucas. 

Lucas grabbed a pillow and gently hit me in the head with it. I started laughing hysterically at him. He hovered over me and pulled the pillow off my face. I was still laughing because I kept thinking about his facial expression when Gabe asked who the Daddy was.

"You're a pain min my ass." he said as I continued to laugh.

"I'm sorry but your face when Gabe asked that was hilarious." I giggled.

Lucas began to kiss my neck and I assume he did it to make me stop laughing because as soon as he did that I couldn't help but sigh at the feeling of his mouth on neck. He succeeded in distracting me then he stopped and looked at me. I smiled at him and he leaned in and kissed me. We made out a few seconds before he pulled away. 

"Gets you to stop laughing every time." he said as he got up off me and laid beside me. 

Lucas put his hand on my belly and I watched on as he continued to admire my bump. It was so bittersweet having him here through this since I didn't have him before. I wanted to savor every moment of this pregnancy with him. 

"It's amazing isn't?" I said to him. 

"It's breathing taking knowing our love did this." he said as he rubbed my belly. "I love to watch your body change Maya. And while I'm happy about all of this it also makes me a bit sad that I missed out on this with you when you were pregnant with Gabe." 

"I know it does. I wish I would have found you sooner." I replied. "But we can't dwell on it because we have each other now." 

"And I'll be damned if I ever let you go." he answered. 

"I love you." I said to him.

"I love you too." 

Lucas and I continued to talk for a little while longer then we got up to get ready for Gabe's birthday dinner. It was just a family thing with Mom, Dad, Rileiy, Farkle, and Auggie but he was really excited about it because he knew he was getting presents. He was of course glued to my brother the entire time. I have to admit the bond that Gabe and Auggie have is adorable. Gabriel just adores his Uncle. His birthday celebration was a great one. We all had a nice time. Riley and I talked about being pregnant. She looked so damn cute and I was getting really excited for Alyssa's arrival. A few more weeks and I would get meet my precious little niece who I already started spoiling. Once everyone left after Gabe's party Lucas and I put him to bed then cuddled on the couch until we got tired. It was a good day. 

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