Chapter 6

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A/N: If you are wondering why there was some update notifications it is because i needed to fix the year. I had the math off its actually 6 years not 5.  Anyways you guys are the best! I love reading your comments .They inspire me to update faster Thank you for all the love. Lol and guess what we get another Lucas POV. ;)  

Edit to add: Every chapter after this one will now be present day. 

Lucas POV

Present Day aka 6 years later

For the last 6 years I have focused on college, getting a job, but the most important thing of all is I never stopped looking for Maya. I was at a point in my life where I could now devote a lot of my time searching for her. In fact me trying to find Maya plays a huge in part in the career choice that I made.  I decided to go to school to become an investigator.  I figured this would help me become informed on everything I needed to do to be able to find her. I could get both my education and try to locate Maya at the same time. It hasn't been an easy search because legally I can't get into her adoption file and not only that it seems Maya is no longer under the last name Hart. I had talked to many different people about it and it always seemed to come to a dead end. Today I had a meeting with someone new to talk to me about locating her. We had to have the meeting at her house today instead of her office. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. I heard yell that she was coming. She opened the door and I was greeted by a small framed woman with long brown hell that fell to her shoulders. She was quite beautiful actually. 

"Hello, you must be Mr. Friar. Come on in." she said and I could tell she was trying to catch her breath. 

"Yes that would be me." I replied with a smile. She seemed very welcoming. I noticed a small boy sitting on the floor watching a movie. 

I walked in and she told me that I could sit on the couch "I'm sorry we have to do this here but my there was no one to watch my grandson. His Mom will be here to get him in a little bit" she replied. "Could you give me a few minutes so I can finish his lunch." 

"That's no problem." I replied as I sat down on the couch to wait for her. 

The small little boy turned his head around and looked at me. I have to admit he's cute as hell. "Hi I'm Gabriel." he said as he extended his hand out to me. 

"Nice to meet you, little man. My name is Lucas." I said with a smile. 

"Hey that's my middle name." he said grinning proudly. 

"That's a great name to have." I answered. 

"Do you want to see my DS?" the little boy said and I nodded giving him permission to show me.

The small boy went over and grabbed his DS bag and placed it on the table in front of me. It seemed he had a great selection of games there. 

"Which game is your favorite?" I asked him. 

"Mario Kart!" he said excitedly. "I can beat all the levels on it." 

"Mario is my favorite too." I answered politely. 

"Gabe, I want you to put your DS away for me soon because your lunch is going to be ready in 10 minutes." the small petite woman said as she stood in front of the stove.

"Okay Mammy." he replied to her then looked back down to his DS. 

Maya POV

The last 6 years have gone by so fast. I have thought of Lucas often and think about him everyday. Especially whenever I look at the child that we created together. Mom and Dad stayed true to their words all these years. I was so proud of how far I have come in my life. I went to school to get an education to become a fashion designer. I work at one of the most top magazine company's in NYC. Today I only had to work half a day which was great because I was picking up Riley and together the two of us were going to stop at Moms then go to the beach. It was such a beautiful day out in NYC. The NYC traffic was a joke on some days especially but today I managed to pick up Riley earlier than planned since my boss told me let me leave earlier than expected. 

"Sounds like you had an easy day." Riley chuckled as she got into the passenger side of my car.

"I did! I can't believe Lenny let me out earlier. I should have just never went in." I chuckled. 

"Well I'm glad because this gives us more time to hang out." she said with a smile. "Who knows maybe you'll even meet a hot beach guy." 

"Riles, we have been over this. It's not happening. Not right now. "I replied. 

"You need to quit putting this dating thing off." Riley replied. "Or if you don't want to date at least get laid." 

"You know there are other ways to please myself right?" I said causing Riley to chuckle. 

"Yes I know but it would be nice for you to find someone. " she answered. 

"I just don't have time for it." I replied. 

"Alright peaces whatever you say." she answered. "One of these days I might just set you up whether you like it or not." 

"I would kill you." I replied and that caused her to chuckle even more. 

"You'd get over it though." she replied and I just rolled my eyes at her. 

"I love you but sometimes you can be so relentless." I replied as I continued to drive. 

"You would end up thanking me in the long run." she replied. 

I continued going back and forth with Riley about the whole dating thing. I just couldn't do it. I still really hadn't moved on from Lucas. I tried dating before and it just never worked out because none of the guys compared to him. I finally decided to give up on the dating game because I just couldn't keep going on dates and having my child wonder what was going on so I i just finally stopped. It's like why put myself through it if I'm not feeling it. It took us about 15 minutes to reach moms. When we got there Riley and I let ourselves in. 

As we walked in the door I heard my name  "MOMMY!!" 

I looked up and stopped in my tracks when I locked eyes with the person I have been searching for the past 5 years. It was in that moment that I realized Lucas was sitting in my moms living room interacting with our 5 year old son. 

A/N: FYI I had it planned before I even started writing chapter one that their child was going to be a son. LOL

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