Chapter 38

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A/N: You all are going to love this chapter and the next one after it. Still doing time jumps. This chapter also turned almost 2K words lmao but you guys won't be complaining cause it is full of cuteness. :) 

Maya POV

It seems like this pregnancy is flying by so fast. I'm now at the 18 week mark and my bump is definitely there. Lucas and I have a baby doctor appointment today and it's rather big one. We get to find out if we are having another boy or a baby girl.  After putting one of my cute maternity tops on that Lucas bough me I went out to join him in the living room. Luckily for me I had the day off and we were going to allow Gabriel to leave school early so he could go to the appointment with us. He was so excited and even put up a fight about not going to school at all which to his disappointment didn't happen because Daddy stepped in and put a stop to his tantrum. 

"The shirt you bought me is perfect." I said as I sat down beside him. 

He looked over and smiled at me "You look beautiful." 

I placed my hand on bump and gently rubbed over my stomach when all of a sudden I felt movement. I knew right away what it was. Our baby was kicking for the first time/ 

"Lucas!" I said causing him to get worried by my outburst.

"What? What's worng?" he asked. 

"Give me your hand".  

I took Lucas hand and placed it on my bump the baby was still kicking up a storm. I couldn't help but smile as I watched Lucas face for his reaction. He started grinning as soon as he felt it then looked up at me. 

"Our little peanut is kicking. This is amazing." Lucas smiled. 

As Lucas hand lay on stomach I put my hand over top of it. "Isn't incredible to be able to feel that?" 

"It's so incredible. I mean we created this little human that is inside of you. I'm in love with our baby already and of course so in love with you." he replied with a smile. 

I put my arm around Lucas and smiled at him. "I'd say that our babies and I are pretty lucky to have you." 

He leaned in and kissed me softly to which I eased to into. It was a nice slow and easy kiss which I loved. He pulled away and made me lay back on the couch. I was confused for a minute as to what he was doing but then he lifted up my shirt revealing my bump. He placed his hands on it then leaned down placed a small kiss on top of it. 

"Daddy can't wait to meet you, peanut. It won't be long now. Just a few more months then you'll be here with me. Mommy. and your big brother." he whispered then placed another small kiss on my tummy before pulling my shirt back down.

Lucas pulled me back up into sitting position and I wrapped my arms around him "You're so cute. I love you. " 

"I love you too." he said then gave me a quick peck. "Lets get going to your appointment." 

Lucas and I picked up Gabe from school at about 1:00. Our appointment was at 2:00 but we figured we'd get him a bit early due to traffic. We arrived at the doctors office at 1:45 and it was about 2:10 before we actually were put in a room. The nurse asked all kinds of questions as she normally does. My blood pressure and the labs that I had last time all came back normal. She said the doctor would be in shortly. 

Lucas POV

I made Gabe sit on my lap as we waited for Dr. Larson to come into the room. I didn't want him playing around in there. Maya was right when she said he is a cuddle bug so he was good with being in my lap. A few minutes later Dr. Larson came in. She asked Maya some questions and they talked about the pregnancy and how it was going. I was happy to hear that everything seemed to be going as it should.  

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