Chapter 4

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A/N: Thank you so much again for all the love. You get another update today. Lol.  I have some awesome plans for this fic. I'm glad you guys love it. We are still in the flashbacks. Also I could use your input so leave a comment for me. I'm debating on if I should do a flashback Lucas POV(just like I've done with Maya) a chapter just to kind of give a look at what he's up to? Thoughts?  

Maya POV

6 Years Ago

We told Dad and Riley about my pregnancy. They were both shocked but accepted it. I wasn't worried about Riley. She's become my best friend in just over a week. I was more concerned about my Dad's reaction than I was with Riley's but Mom was right when she said that he'd be fine once he got over the shock of it all. They reassured me that they'd do everything they could to help me. Dad said he's proud of me for wanting take responsibility. Mom has been trying everything she can to find Lucas. I was able to get into the OBGYN rather quickly. Turns out I'm due on February 16th. I'm secretly hoping that I have the baby on Valentines Day because lets be real how amazing would that be? I was given vitamins. The doctor told me that we would be able to find out the sex of the baby in 7 weeks. I'm so excited to find out if my baby is a boy or a girl. I was alone in my room drawing on one of the note pads that Mom got me when I decided to go see what Riley was doing. I walked to her room and she was sitting in her Bay Window on her ipad. The Bay Window has become our safe haven. I walked in and sat beside her. As excited as I was to have a part of Lucas with me I was still so scared. I was scared about a lot of things. I just needed to talk to Riley. I knew she'd make me feel better. 

"Hey peaches." Riley said to me as I walked over and sat down beside her. "Peaches" was her new nickname for me so I started calling her "Riles" 

"Hi Riles, you got a minute?" I asked her. 

"Of course. Whats up?" she said with a concerned look on her face. 

"I'm scared, Riles." I said to her as I tried not to cry. 

"What are you scared about?" she said as she grabbed my hand. 

"What if I'm not a good mom? What if I can't find Lucas? I didn't have a really good life you know? What if I mess this all up and don't give my baby a good life." I rambled. 

Riley took my hand into hers and she pulled me close to her "Maya, those things right there are going to make you the best mom that you can be. I know we have only known each other a few weeks but you're going to be an amazing mom. And regardless of Lucas being here or not you aren't doing this alone at all." 

"I know you are right Riles. It's just so hard. I feel like I have messed up my life." I cried to her. 

"But you didn't Maya. This baby could be the best thing to ever happen to you. Mom always tells me that she never knew what love was until she had me and Auggie. She said her love for us is way stronger than it ever will be for Dad. Things happen for a reason." she said and I continued to come down off my crying fit. "Go day by day Maya. You can do this. I have so much faith in you. I know a lot of this probably has a lot to do with not having your mom here." 

"It does. I miss her so much. She always wanted what was best for me but cancer had to take her. She didn't want me to end up in an orphanage but she knew there was nothing more that she could do." I sniffled. "And my dad he just didn't want me so I didn't have any of his family. I was so happy when I met Lucas. We became the best of friends and eventually fell for each other. He made me feel like I had family again, Riley. I need to find him."  

"I'm so sorry that you lost your mom so young Maya. I can't even imagine what that must be like for you. I can tell this is really breaking you. Mom will be home from work soon. Hopefully she will have an update for us. Until then try to think positive okay? The baby is going to do so much for you. I just know it." 

Riley and I sat in her room just talking and I got a lot out that was bothering me. It felt good to be able to get that off my chest. Riley didn't judge me for any of it she just let me vent and cry to her. She was truly my sister and heaven sent. I don't know what I'd do with out her. I had finally calmed down and got myself together when Mom got home. I couldn't wait to find out what she found out. We went out the living room to where she was. She was talking with Dad. Auggie was playing his DS so I felt like this would be a good time to ask her for an update. 

"Did you find anything out about Lucas?" I asked as I sat down beside her. 

"I've looked into what I can Maya. His file is sealed. Unfortunately I can't do anything legally to locate him. I'm so sorry." and when she said that my heart broke into a million pieces. 

"I was afraid this was going to happen." I said as I began to cry. 

"I'm going to do everything that I can to try and find him. Do not give up on hope or me, Maya. When the turns 18 we might be able to locate him because he'll be an adult. Did he say anything to you about the family who adopted him?" 

"No, just that he they were from Texas. He didn't really know much about them." I sniffled, 

"Maya I know this isn't easy for you right now but we're going to do everything we can to help you. Your Mom and I are going to make sure the baby is provided for and given a good life just like you want. Even if this baby doesn't have Lucas I will do what I can to be a father figure to him and teach him things that a father would." Cory said and I couldn't help but smile and then it dawned on me that Riley was right. I needed to be chin up about this.

"Thank you. That means a lot. I'm so thankful for you all. I don't know what I would do if I was still in that home. Riley is right when she says everything happens for a reason. My mom must be looking out for me. You know if it wasn't for you guys I'd be having my baby in the home and that's no life for my baby. I met you all for reason. I have to focus on my baby. I want to find Lucas and I'll never give up but I need to be strong for my child."  

"That's a really mature way to look at things Maya. I'm proud of you." Cory replied. 

"Yeah sweetheart you have to think positive. Riley is right things do happen for a reason. I reiterate what Cory said. We will do everything we can to make sure you baby is taken care of and to help you all that we can. Cory and I talked about it all. We want you to get an education so we are going to help you with options for baby care. When the baby is born you'll obviously be off for awhile but once you are able to get back to normal routine we already have someone in mind that could care for the baby for you while you are in school." Topanga said. 

"Really? I was wondering about all of that too. I mean I know it will be awhile before we get to that point but that was one of the things stressing me out." I replied. 

"We used to have a woman named Mrs. Banks babysit Auggie for us but she doesn't anymore since he's older and Riley can care for him. Cory and I talked to her about childcare in the future. She said she'd gladly watch your baby and the best thing about it is she doesn't cost much at all. Cory and I will take care of the childcare financially so that you can focus on your education. " 

"I don't know what I have done to deserve all of this. I should be taking care of my baby on my own. Thank you so much for doing all of this for me." I replied. 

"And Aunt Riley will babysit for you too." Riley said and I couldn't help but chuckle. 

"I think that sounds great Riles" I said to her. 

Auggie looked up from his DS  "And I'll help too. I teach them everything they need to know about all kinds of things." he said with a big grin on his face. 

At this moment I knew I had to take everything in. I needed to calm down. I love Lucas with all of my heart and that will never  change. However I need to move on with my life. I need to focus on myself and my baby. That doesn't mean that I can's stop looking for him. I will never stop looking for him but if there is one thing about Lucas I know this is what he would want me to do. From this point on its about me and my baby. 

A/N: Okay so do I flash forward in the next udpate or should I do a Lucas POV? 

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