Chapter 34

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A/N: I'm so glad that you loved the last update. I think you will love this one as well! We are going to time jump to Christmas. :) 

Maya POV

5 months later 

Everything has been going wonderful with Lucas, Gabe, and I. I'm so thankful that Lucas is living with us now. He found us a beautiful  3 bedroom apartment in New York City that we moved into in August. Now its Christmas and together we are spending it as family. I couldn't be happier and Gabriel is so glad Lucas will be here for Santa this year. Although I have to admit Lucas kind of went overboard on Christmas presents for him but I let it slide because this was his first Christmas with his son.  Farkle and Riley found out last month they are going to be having a little girl come March. I'm so excited to meet my niece but a little bummed because Lucas and I have been trying since summer to have a baby. I will never give up on hope though which is why I decided I was going to take a pregnancy test tonight before we leave for Mom's Christmas Eve Party. I was in the kitchen finishing up the Taco Salad I was making when I felt Gabe tug on my arm. I looked down at him smiled. 

"What's up baby?" I asked him.

"Mommy, can I have an apple?" he answered.

"Yeah of course. See if Daddy will cut it up for you since I'm finishing up this salad." I replied. 

"I got it." Lucas said as he walked into the kitchen. "Come here bud." 

"Can you also put hi, in his Christmas PJ's?" I asked as I broke up the corn chips to put into the salad.

"Yep." Lucas said as he finished peeling the apple. 

Lucas put the sliced up apples into a bowl and handed them to Gabe who took off running towards the living room to finish watching his movie. I was chopping up the lettuce for the salad when Lucas came over and stood beside me as he leaned up against the counter. 

"Are you okay?" he asked me and I was confused by why he was asking me that. I mean I'm nervous about taking the test but I didn't think he'd notice.

"Yes I'm fine. Why?" I asked him. 

"You are chopping that lettuce pretty fast. I'm afraid you are going to chop off your finger." he replied. 

I placed the knife down on the counter. put my arms across chest and turned to face Lucas who was waiting for me to answer. "Because I have time to think and my mind has been going quite a bit as of late. I'm worried we'll never have another baby. We weren't even trying for one with Gabriel." 

Lucas walked up to me and he placed both hands on each side of my face, and tilted my head so I was looking at him. He leaned in and softly kissed me before pulling away. 

"Relax. We have only been trying for 5 months not to mention we are still pretty young so we have awhile before we have to really start worrying. Don't get yourself so upset." he said and then for some reason I was instantly calmed. 

"Yeah I know that. It's just Alyssa will be here in 3 months and while I'm excited to meet her and am  happy for Riley and Farkle its going to kill me on the inside. " I replied/ 

"You're being ridiculous." he said which annoyed me. 

"No I'm not!" I snapped. 

"Yeah you are Maya. I know you want to have a baby but you are being selfish. Even if you got pregnant it would be 9 months before the baby got here. Riley was happy for you and she was there for you for Gabe. You need to do the same for her. Our time will come for us but you can't feel this way." he said to me and deep down I knew he was right. 

"You're right, I'm an asshole. Why do you always have to be right?" I said to him and he grinned at me. 

"Because I know you better than you know yourself. Now..." he trailed off in a low husky voie as he pulled me close to him. "Finish up your food so we can get this party over with and do some baby making after we put Gabe to bed." 

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his face to mine "I think that sounds like a good plan." I said as I bit my bottom lip, grinned at him then pulled him to kiss him. 

I got back to finishing the salad and once I was done with it went to get myself around for Mom's party which didn't take me long to do then we all left. The party was nice and Riley looked adorable. When we got home I put Gabe to bed then went into the bathroom to take my pregnancy test which I was really nervous about taking but I wanted to get it done.  

Lucas POV

While I waited on Maya to come back from the bathroom I was laying in bed on my phone browsing my Facebook when all of a sudden Maya came running into the room. She jumped on top of me leaving me completely confused by what had just happened.

"What's wrong?" I asked her as she sat on my lap.

She lifted her hand up and a huge as grin on her face. "This!" she said as she held up a pregnancy test. "It's positive. I'm pregnant. We are having a baby!" she said and then I sat up so fast I nearly knocked her backwards and had to catch her. 

I grabbed it out of her hand and looked to see myself it was definitely a positive pregnancy test. "We're having a baby?" I could help but grin. "You're pregnant?" 

Maya nodded "Yes, we're having a baby. Best Christmas present ever."  she said excitedly.

I placed the test beside me then looked back at Maya. She looked so beautiful as she smiled back at me. I moved the hair out out of her face then pulled her to me before kissing her softly to which she gave into. I pulled away and looked at her. 

"I told you it would happen for us." I said to her. 

"I'm so happy, Lucas." she said then I could tell she started crying. I wiped the tears away and she looked at me. "You're actually here this time. It couldn't be more perfect. You're going to be with me, you're going to see everything, and be there for all my appointments." 

"Every step of the way I will be here." then I placed my hand on her stomach. "I love you and I can't wait to meet our little baby." I said before kissing her once more.

Maya and I talked about everything. She was so happy and I was so happy. For all that her and I have been through growing up things sure are coming together. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with her and Gabe.  It was in this moment that I realized it was time for me to start looking at rings. I knew that right now in this moment I wanted Maya to be my wife.

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