chapter 45 ..Series Finale

Start from the beginning

Yes! Alot of shits happened. Series of fxxked up events.
I lost a friend. ..Someone I thought was a friend but it opened my eyes to see the true value of friendship and to realise the ones that were true.

Like David!
Like Timothy. .

And I gained ..Love

Love in the least likeist of places.
From an orange seller..

Cupid!! You fxxking sly bastard. Your arrow went straight to my heart. .and shut me the hell down.

And I must admit,

I love every tiny bit of this feeling .

Even though she hasn't said those words back to me.

It's fine.
I was content in knowing I had found love and I said it. For true love I hear, is being selfless and loving someone even if they dont love you back.

But I had her here with me, safe and protected
And..kissing her again and holding her in my arms felt like heaven.


There was something utterly different about this pretty girl,
About Amara today.

It was also the way I stared at her
The way my heart was beating nonstop
The way she ...was breathlessness perfect even in her imperfection, in her flaws.
I swear I looked beyond all of this and I loved the view.

Yes....she was different today.

She was Amara..

And she is the love of my life. .
And I would take a thousand more Juniors down for her if I had to again ..

No regrets!!!!

The shouting jolts me back to reality.

''Amara, what's the matter with you. Why did you slap Nkechi. Amara ? AMARA!!!'' Her mother held on to her as Amara raises her hands again

''How dare you slap me Ama, what have I done??" Nkechi blinks holding her face

''You dare to ask me? You dare to ask me. Oh so you want me to spell out how you go behind my back and try to steal my man from me eh? Taking food to him, throwing yourself at him, lying to him about me, wanting to just steal him away as though he is a toy to be stolen. Don't you have any shame? And I thought you were my friend NK. But you are not. You are just like Ngozi, are just a jealous person and I don't want to even see you again'" Amara spat

''How dare you compare me to that slut. Besides. .Bruno wasn't your man. You both broke up and I had every right to go after him. .and he would have fallen at it not been for her, always competing with me and you-you always on his mind. Afterall, he doesn't have your name written on his body even if that's the case, he can still be taken. "

"Amara?what is this. Bruno. .your man? Amara, Nkechi what nonsense is this am hearing. .??''

They both ignored her

"You have no shame!"

''Oh I don't have shame? Speaking of the girl who kisses him at will and probably sleeps with h--

Kpasssss! !!!!

The boys decides not to interfer. Their faces and body reacted with every slap.

''Nkechi! !! " Amara's mother exclaims, she drags Amara away and holds on to her ..''Amara stop this nonsense right this minute. ''

Nkechi roars in anger and flings herself at Amara, pulling her plaited hair

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