chapter 42

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Wordporn-series : This Madness Called Love  (chp40)

Wordporn-series :This Madness Called Love chp. 40
Funny how life plays out differently for you.

They were boys then, chasing canters, playing robbers and smoking on some cheap cigarettes and ogling at the females passing by and drawing down their skirts, because it kept going higher up their thighs as they moved, or covering their cleavages when their tits threatened to fall out and say hi.

Sometimes they stood in pairs, whistling making the girls shy,  walking up to them and saying a word or two to get them to smile. It was a routine, it was their lifestyle .. it was how they rolled.
As boys, they were always together, eating and laughing , parting and hanging . You never see one without all or all without them, like leeches they were glued together,  like stitches to a cloth, even the oil couldn't separate them when thrown into the water. They stuck together like glue.
Out of all of them, one stood out.

He was much smaller than the rest of them, but he was the most likeable. Not because he was the richest kid on the block if talking about their status, but because he was just....lovable.

He smiled alot, he gave up the little he had  so that someone else could have. He was selfless, and automatically. .. it was easy for them to always go to him for advice, for anything..soon he became their leader not because he wanted it or asked for it..because it just felt right especially when...everyone looked up to him. His size and height didn't matter one bit. It was inconsequential...

Entering the university, despite being the lovable,  by guys , the ladies loved him more. So while all of them found it hard to get them ladies, having to chase for decades to get a sleepover, he had it easy. They begged to be wanted by him, fighting themselves to be his girl..and he indulged.  And thus the nickname " The Hammer!"

Because he was...well ..well endowed  they say. They had seen it too, while they showered and joked about girls and all that ...

"Dude, so Victoria and her friend were talking the other day.."

"Hmm, about what?" He was soaping himself up.

It was normal for guys to bath together in the hostel .. it was a long bathroom with shower heads and you just have to go to your corner and bath but... everyone could see everyone's ass or rod or pickle ... depending on which area you fall into.

"Yeah, she was blushing like a little girl" Timothy strolls in naked;
slapping Him with his towel

"Ouch. Tf Dude that hurts." He had rubbed his tush eyeing Timothy.  Who laughed.

"Yeah tell us, why was she blushing or what was she saying ?" Junior askes, he was on the forth shower bathing, David smiles

"Well, she says she had been hearing about you from other chicks and she thought they were exaggerating about your size ..." David says  eyeing him
The guys laugh,  he doesn't say anything but smiles

"So?" He shrugs

"Well, apparently she got a first class private class recently so she was blushing and talking about it" David gives him a knowing stare

"I don't know what you are talking about david" he had said, hiding a smile

"Bru Bru. ..wanna tell us anything? " Timothy askes

"No!' He replied, putting his head under the shower,  letting the water hide his struggling laugh

"Are you sure, because she looked pretty excited I think she glowed Timothy what do you think?"

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