chapter 34

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Wordporn-series :This Madness Called love (32)

Those tingling feelings you get, butterflies in your tummy, feets curling up underneath you and those hidden smiles you can't quite hide. Everything they say they feel in the book and movies she had read and watched,  she oftened wondered how it felt in real life and If it was just the way they described; breathtaking and insanely intoxicated.

That wasn't reality.. but she wished that she could one day, fall inlove and be loved insanely too as much.

Last night she had wanted to give herself up just because she was tired of  being pursued by junior. She hated him, she hated him with everything within her, and she felt, though Bruno would be as bad as he is but he hadn't shown any of his bad traits

"He is a pretender and you know the saying,  pretenders does the worse" juniors words dance through her mind.

But yet, he had been calm and reserved, not chasing her, not wanting to harm her, he had been distant despite wanting to help her through school.

"He is bidding his time, waiting to come collect. You think what he is doing is for free because he is a good person. You think he wants to help you through school just because God is in heaven and all the angels are saints?  and  because he has money lying down anywhere or plucking it from trees? Bruno wants what I want and he would take it when he is ready. Me? At least I am making known my intentions to you, and I would make you enjoy it. Why not give in to pleasure and let me make you a woman so by the time he comes to collect, you won't feel bad. Afterall he is doing you a favour, paying your fees, the least you can do is to appreciate him. But that's after you let us , you and I , have fun. Let me take you to 7th heavens and back Amara.  But despite how much you refuse, I would take you over and over again Amara , so stop fighting me" he had coerced one of those days

And yet, tired, frustrated and helpless.. she had done what she would ordinarily had never  thought off, giving up the fights.

Picking the lesser devil,  to give herself up to.

And what did he do.. He says No.
Even though it was obvious he was battling within himself and physically too,  he said No.

Was he pretending to be a better man or was he a better man?

Bruno had suprised her. Yes, this wasn't the first time he had seen her in all her womanly glory, but this was the first time she had willingling, though in tears, because she was tired..tired of it all, she had gone to him..begging him to do with her what he wanted so she could be free. Maybe then when junior realises she had given herself to his friend he would let her be.

But he. Had. Said. No!!.

She thought he was pretending and when he asked if he could dress her up she had stood, her heart going to her back because she had to sum up courage , blanking her mind, hoping for it to be over and done with. That he would stop with his pretense,  one last time she stood infront of him and again, with his hands shaking; his breath warm and his other self all too visible, he said No.

Leaving her alone to her demons.

Relief and then shame washed over, as he left her alone. Tears gushing out of her eyes , she had gone to bed.

And if she admitted to herself honestly, she had begun to see him differently.

It was no wonder that she had really taken time to look at him, as he slept this morning

Bruno was not just an handsome man, he was beautiful too.

She blush remembering how he looked when she backed him to the door, how his chest heaved heavily when she closed the distance to him.

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