Our First Meeting

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Zee's POV

I glanced at my watch to look at what time it was...


" Oh shoot! Im late! "

I rushed on my bike after putting on my pitch black helmet and drove to ' Bighit company '.

Today is my birthday... and today is the day when I shall see my fiance for the first time...

Im turning 17 today and I know its a very young age to get engaged but... I can't help it.. it is the decision of my parents... In the end its a marriage of benefits...

" Benefits... ",  its like my first and my last mistake,  well its better to marry someone I don't know rather than seeing my parents behind bars...

12 years ago...

My father was the head of the underground mafia. He slaughtered a number of people; he got caught; jailed...

Around that time acting industries, music industries etc. they were slowly going bankrupt,  for not many people were interested in those fields ,  some were jailed for robbery cases,  at that moment... Kim Kang Ju,  my father met Park Jen Su the father of my fiance... in jail,  my father still had a bit of his underground connections in hand as he was the most powerful underground mafia,  they made a deal...

That day two 5 year old kids were engaged for the sake of their parents...


I picked up the call after I reached the company and parked my bike.

" Kim Cheonsa ! Where are you! I told you to arrive by 7:40 didn't I! What's taking you so long! ",  my mother screamed on the other end of the line.

" Eomma, calm down. I told you to call me Zee like 500 times already .  Anyways Im already here ,Im heading towards your greenroom. Chill and give the phone to Taehyung ", I said calmly heading towards the greenroom that was on the 6th floor .

" Hey noona,  what's up ",  said Taehyung.  I could sense him chuckling on the other end.

"  Tae Tae my sweet dongsaeng,  cool mum's anger I'll treat you to your favorite steak pork next time."

" I don't mind doing the job. But... You see I can't guarantee you how much can I charge you for the job... "

"  Fine... Just make sure her anger cools down.  Otherwise she'll trash the heck out of me ",  saying that I hung up and headed for the 6th floor.


I opened the door to my surprise I saw my mother smirking as if she was planning something really evil. " Eomma Im here ",  I tried speaking calmly.

"  Ah Cheonsa,  finally... Now go and change! ",  exclaimed mum.

" Change?! But mum Im in decent clothes "

"  Decent!  Have you gone crazy!  A girl should be elegant and beautiful when she goes to meet her fiance.  ", she said calmly smiling.

I had no choice but to change into the dress she handed me. I wanted to scream out , "  This is my worst nightmare! "

The dress was a little above the knee,  it was azure blue in colour with a glittery black coloured belt on the waist it was a bit ruffly on the lower edges, I had to wear black wedge heels,  it felt like I could fall anytime from that height so I held on to my brother while mum's makeup artists did my makeup and hair ...

They put a sweet pinkish red shade on my lips and curled my hair a bit.

My eyes felt like popping out of their sockets at my reflection.

" Who the heck is this! ",  I screamed not knowing that the one standing in front of the mirror was me myself.

I never put such good makeup, I seemed like those fairytale princesses .

Just then,  Taehyung gestured me to interlock our arms and walk towards the main hall where my ' Other half ' was waiting for me...

Jimin's POV

I was sitting next to my younger sister with my face resting on my palm on a table. My  mother was busy in gossiping with the other 'ajummas'  who were boasting about each others money.

" Oh Mrs. Park,  your son Jimin is so handsome and cute,  if I was just a few years younger I would have married him ",  hearing that almost made me choke on my own spit.

Just then... The announcer announced that my fiance was arriving...

The door swung open....

An aunty with a well dressed man entered...

Whoa!  Mom... I thought you told me that my fiance was the same age as me... she looks like an ajumma! ",  I blurted out. Mom elbowed me to keep quiet ... She whispered to me, " That lady is your fiance's mother."

After her,  my fiance stepped in...
At first sight I felt that she was the same badass angel... but she looked totally different, she looked like a lady... Yet, somehow  this angel's smile swept me off my feet...

My Badass Angel Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum