Shirtless Crushes - Tanaka x Reader

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Today was the day. There was no turning back from it. No matter how much she had tried to persuade herself out of it, Y/n's heart was stronger than her anxiety about the task at hand, and so here she was- about to confess to her cute neighbor. His family had lived next door to hers for a while, but she had never spoken to him herself. She had talked with his cool, older sister, and found out from her with a sly grin that her brother was indeed single.

That had given Y/n a dopey smile; she recalled the memory well. Saeko had laughed and roped an arm around Y/n's smaller shoulders, smirking as she imitated her brother the best she could. The younger girl had laughed harder than she could ever recall laughing, but her feelings towards the boy only grew stronger at his older sister's opinion of him.

Y/n let out a dazed sigh and hugged herself. His sister, Saeko, had called him weird, but also said that he was probably the bravest boy she knew when it came to cute girls. The older girl had also given Y/n a wink when she mentioned the cute girl part, and Y/n's face had turned the brightest red she could imagine.

She could only imagine it now... He would to her rescue, a brave look on his face as he stopped the boys who were harassing her in her fantasy world. After saving her, her crush pick her up and they'd run off into the sunset, living out the rest of their days happily.

With a blush, Y/n was brought back to the real world. She blinked her eyes rapidly before turning to the clock on her desk. "GWA-What!? It's already 06:00?! I've got to tell him before he leaves for school!" The (h/c) haired girl ran into her closet, literally, before pulling out a uniform and tossing it onto the bed. She rummaged around under her bed for something, letting a smile cross her face as she felt the smooth edge of the charm.

Her uniform for school was put on in record time, and- though she only had to reverse the way she was wearing the shirt twice- she thought she looked cute, if not pretty. She brushed her hair in her favorite hairstyle before slapping her cheeks with a determined look on her face. "You can do this, Y/n!" She convinced herself, nodding at her reflection in her desk mirror.

Y/n grabbed onto the charm again and barreled down the stairs of her house, gaining a lazy shout from her older brother to be quieter. She blushed, apologized, and tip toed down the rest of the stairs. The (e/c) eyed second year darted into the kitchen, grabbing her breakfast of toast and a piece of fruit. She moved towards the door, trying to hurry as she slipped on her shoes. If she missed him, and he had already made it to school, her courage would dissipate into the air and she would never tell him of her feelings.

Stumbling out the door, Y/n eyed his house as casually as she could. Nothing outside looked disturbed, yet. Perhaps she wasn't too late, after all.

She, with a new-found confidence from her revelation, skipped towards his front door. She knew it was quite unorthodox to knock on an unfamiliar boy's door early in the morning, but Y/n felt as though she had more confidence in the morning, anyway. Squaring her shoulders as she neared the door, Y/n nodded a little to herself. "Okay, L/n, you've got this. Just go up to the door, hold out the charm, and wait for his reaction." Right then, she froze. The charm! Is it still on me? She opened her palms, but there was nothing there. Frantically, completely forgetting her composure, Y/n began to scour the grass around her crush's house for the good luck charm she had made him two days before.

"Oh, oh no! This isn't going as planned, not at all!" Y/n panicked, trying not to cry as she thought about the hard work that had gone into the trinket. "Now he'll think I'm weird if I don't have a token for my affections, and I'll have to be a crazy cat lady for the rest of my-"


Y/n froze where she knelt in the grass; was it him? Slowly, almost like a creaky hinge on a door, she turned towards the voice... and immediately deflated. Her brother, wearing his own uniform and a bored look, was waving something small in between his fingers. "Oi, Y/n! Is this yours?"

Standing up sharply, Y/n glared at him. "Damn you, (brother name)! You scared me half to death! You can't do that to a person!"

He laughed and shook his head, "Well, is it?"

She darted over; snatching it from his hands before inspecting it to make sure no damage had come to it in the last ten minutes. It looked just as well as before, so she imagined she was safe. Y/n gave her brother a bright beam of a smile before nodding rapidly.

"Yes, yes, yes! Thank you so much, big bro!" She gave him a tight squeeze before turning back to the task at hand.


Y/n slowly inched her way towards her crush's house, fear bubbling up inside her at the mere idea of him disliking her gift, or even worse, laughing at her. She could feel tears pricking at her eyes, but shook them away. No! Saeko said that her brother was a nice guy when it came to cute girls! She could trust him not to laugh!

So, with all the courage she could muster, Y/n rang the doorbell to the Tanaka residence. She waited a breath, one eyes squeezed shut as she heard footsteps nearing the door. Maybe, just maybe, Saeko would answer and Y/n wouldn't have to speak to her crush at all! It was unrealistic, but she still dreamed, because dreaming had to count for something, right?

Not in this world, apparently.

The door slammed open, and a shirtless Ryuunosuke was staring at Y/n with all of the intensity he could manage. Y/n's mouth fell open from shock...

He was shirtless.

And staring at her.

Her crush was shirtless and staring at her! Crap! What does she do, again?

Everything Y/n had learned about boys never prepared her for this, so she did the only logical thing that could be done in a situation similar to this.

She took off, a high-pitched squeal emitted from her lips as she tore down the street. Y/n decided that today was not the day to confess to her crush, nope, definitely not today!


Ryuunosuke stood at the door, his mouth agape as he watched the dust cloud from where the cute girl ran off. He was frozen for a minute, trying to gauge what had just happened in his own mind. Did... Did a girl come to confess to him? A cute girl? The bald boy quickly bounced back to his senses, darting out the door and after her. "No-wait! Come back, cute girl!"

Hissister's head poked out from the front door. "Hey, idiot! Get a shirt on!" 

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