Best Kind Of News - Tanaka x Reader

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Y/n, who was only sixteen years old, loved to sleep in. She loved to be embraced within her blankets, snuggled up to her boyfriend as she dreamed of anything and everything. It was a peaceful, Sunday morning on which our story takes place, and the couple could not be happier than they were at this moment. Encased in each others' arms as they slept soundly... Not much was better than this.

But, alas, all good things must come to an end, and in this case, that end was by the means of an annoying, wailing alarm clock. Y/n's eyes flew open in shock and she looked down at her boyfriend, who himself was still trying to awaken fully. "Tanaka? Why's the alarm set?" She asked, tilting her head and feeling her hair fall over half of her face.

Tanaka thought she looked like an angel, and he smiled dorkily up at her. "Wha-?"

She rolled her eyes and rolled away from him, only to feel a wave of nausea hit her. With a gasp, she barreled to the bathroom. She began to throw up everything that was in her stomach, from her dinner last night to her breakfast from three days ago. Her mind was reeling; why was she sick? Could it be that she had the flu? It was going around, after all, and it's possible that she could have caught it from her brother, her best friend, or even her boyfriend.

Speaking of her boyfriend, said boy was now wide awake and alert, noticing his girlfriend's quick escape to the bathroom. He scrambled out of the bed, though his legs got caught on the blankets, and he tripped onto his face. This did not stop him, however, and he inched his way to the bathroom as his girlfriend continued to puke. Was she sick? If she was, he was probably going to be, too!

Tanaka made his way into the bathroom, blankets still having a vice grip on his calves, and gave his girlfriend an encouraging smile. She turned to look at him, her hair a mess and her eyes drooping. "Hi, goddess!" He said cheerfully, and she groaned before putting her face back towards the toilet bowl and bringing up more of her guts.

The bald boy cringed and finally shook off the blankets before moving to her side and patting her back. "It's okay, let it all out..." He cooed softly, and she did exactly as he said. Her stomach felt like it was in the most pain of her entire life, and there was absolutely nothing she or he could do to make it feel better.

This caused Y/n to cry. Tanaka began to panic, kneeling next to her as entire buckets of tears came from her eyes. "Wh-What's wrong!?" He asked, a bit scared for his lovely girlfriend.

"I- I hate puking!" She sobbed before another wave of bile came over her and she forced herself back into the toilet bowl to throw up, again.

Tanaka stared at his girlfriend, a little worried for the (e/c) eyed girl's sanity. "That's why you're crying?" He questioned weakly, and she nodded her consent. The alarm was still blaring from out in Tanaka's bedroom, and Y/n peered at him with a quizzical look.

She had something she was going to ask him, before she had gotten sick. The sick feeling seemed to have left her, so she decided to ask it now. "T-Tanaka?" Y/n whimpered, and her boyfriend was immediately attached to her hip.

"Yes, goddess? What is it?"

"Why did you have you alarm set? It's a Sunday!" She exclaimed, and Tanaka laughed nervously before shrugging.

His eyes didn't meet hers for a moment, and he took this moment to look around the bathroom. "Well, we've got practice today... Daichi's orders." He scratched the back of his head in worry that she'd be upset, but Y/n only smiled before putting her head on his shoulder.

They both stared at the wall, their legs entangled as they sat in silence for a moment. It was a moment of peace; something neither had seemed to have in quite a few years. Yes, years. They had been together for three years, as astonishing as it was. Sure, that would've meant that they had been together since junior high, but they had. She, as a blushing junior high school girl, asked him out on a date. At first, he cried about his masculinity, but then he realized that a girl was confessing to him, and he was over the moon.

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