"How many copies you need?" Parker smirked.

"A couple for me, Mom wants one, Hannah wants one, and Nana wants one. So probably at least five. Maybe six just in case."

"You're excited about this whole thing, aren't you?"

"Uh, yah." I scoffed. "It's my first baby, I'm beyond excited. And you should be, too."

"I am happy about it." Parker smiled. "I'm just not a girl so I'm not like 'aaahhh', like you and Hannah are. You want me to look through baby stuff on Pinterest and say 'oh, my gosh, that's so cute!' "

I laughed at Parker's mocking of me and Hannah. "No, that sounds pretty gay. You just keep doing what you're doing. Arguing with me about how the baby is a boy."

"It is a boy." Parker stated.

"You're going to be pretty disappointed if it's a girl, ain't you?"

"Nah." Parker shook his head. "I'll be happy either way. I just think a little boy will be cool. You know, play with trucks and have him ride in the machines with me. And you. You know you would love to dress that baby boy up and decorate his room like you've been showing me."

"Yeah." I smiled. "But I got back up. Hannah's Pinterest is all girl stuff."

"I think Hannah is the only one wanting a girl, really." Parker smirked. "Except for maybe Mom. I guess she had two boys, and now she wants to take care of a baby girl."

I smiled. "You must've turned her against boys, Parker. Because you're so difficult."

Parker smiled and rolled his eyes. "No, she just saw how you acted so much better than me when we were little. You made me look bad."

"Whatever." I scoffed.

"And now you help her cook, and call her to say you love and miss her, and you hug her and all that stuff. Me, I've never been one to be all that touchy-feely."

"You are with me."

"Well, that's different. You're my girlfriend." Parker said.

"She's your mom. She gave birth to you. I think you can hug her and tell her you love her more often."

"I tell her every time I see her." Parker argued. "I'm just not a girl so I don't be like 'oh, Mom!' and run over there to hug her and talk to her."

I chuckled. "Maybe that's why she likes me better."

"She does not like you better." Parker said.


After hours of listening to music, talking about anything and everything, and singing along to the radio, we finally made it back home to Haines. I was so happy to be able to get out of that truck and stretch my legs.

When we pulled up into the driveway of Mom and Dad's house, I wasted no time getting out of the truck. I yawned and stretched out, and Parker just smiled at me while he was cutting off the truck and grabbing his stuff. I smiled as I grabbed my things and said, "Come on!"

I waited for Parker at the front of the truck. Parker was taking his sweet time walking, but the second I could grab ahold of his hand, I pulled him along behind me as fast as I could get in the house.

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