They jumped up on their hind legs and licked my face.

"Down," I command. Athena and Zeus sit on the sidewalk, I pet them both on the head.

"Dog park and ice cream?" Chris asks with a small smile.

"Mm. No," I tease.

Chris pouts and sticks out his bottom lip.

"Pwease?" Chris asks in a baby voice.

Aw. He's so cute.

"Fine, but you have to buy me chocolate ice cream."

Chris smiles and pulls me to the car. Sparks, no fireworks, erupted to his touch.

I slide into the passenger seat, Chris closes the door.

"Thank you, my knight in shinning armor."

Chris pecks my lips and starts to pull out of the driveway. I turn on the radio, How Far I Go comes on.

Chris starts to shout the lyrics at the top of his lungs. I giggle and take out my phone, I start to record him.

"How far I'll go!" Chris wraps up. I chuckle and he smirks. "I know your jealous of my amazing singing-ness."

"Singing-ness?" I question.

"Yup! New word, I'll become famous." Chris exclaims.

"Of course," I agree.

The two dogs sat in the backseat, heads sticking out of the window.

Chris parks the car, he quickly rushes over to my door to open it. I shoot him a big smile and kiss him on his cheek. I open the side doors and let the dogs out.

This was our favorite ice cream store. It allowed dogs and sold dog friendly ice cream. Before it was just Chris, Athena, and I, now we added Zeus.

We wave to the store owner. Madeline, the owner, was an older, petite woman. We came here so much, she knew our order.

"One-" Chris starts. She holds her hand up to stop him.

"One double scoop chocolate ice cream, in a waffle cone. One double scoop mint chocolate chip, in a waffle cone. And last, but definitely not least, two pup ice creams with a milk bone." Madeline recites from heart.

"You never fail to amaze us," I chirp.

"You guys are my favorite customers," Madeline says as she gets us our ice cream. She hands us the two pup ice creams and I put them on the ground for the dogs.

Athena barks in delight and starts to lick her ice cream. Zeus does the same and plops on the ground. I laugh and thank Madeline.

"Ice cream on the house!" Madeline says.

"Thank you!"

Theres a catch and I know it.

"Now, if you want to free ice cream, tell me about graduation, Chris." Madeline bargains.

Chris groans but slides into the seat next to me. He starts to explain everything that happened today.

Madeline listens intently, chuckling.

"The end," Chris says grimly.

"Don't go getting an attitude with me boy!" Madeline exclaimed.

This is why I loved Madeline.

Not too long ago, we found this place. It became our favorite. Madeline treated us like we were her children. She loves the dogs and is an all around amazing role model. Madeline had her own kids too, they were in college.

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