The Last Day In America

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His Special Tutor 

Chapter 21: The Last Day In America

After the concert ended you went back to your hotel room and lay on your bed exhausted. The door opened and one of the staff ladies came in.

"____-ah, there you are. Some of us are going out in the city, would you like to come along?" she asked you.

It sounded like a lot of fun, but you were tired from the concert and decided to stay back.

A few minutes later, it knocked on the door again. You opened the door thinking it might be another staff member.

But to your surprise, Yongguk stood at the door, leaning his head on the wall. He looked deep into your eyes.

"Yongguk -ssi?" you were surprised.

He looked tired but he was smiling.

"What are you doing here? The concert just ended a while ago. Shouldn't you be sleeping?"

He came inside, closed the door and hugged you.

"Yongguk?" you gasped.

He hushed you and held you tightly.

"I want to see you before I sleep" he said

"That's why you came?" he added and you giggled and hugged him back tightly.

"What about the others?"

"They are off to bed"

"You're so bad, you know that. Sneaking late at night into a girl's room. I didn't know you were such a bad boy"

Yongguk laughed and turned back to look at you. He placed his thumb on your bottom lip and you shuddered.

"You're so beautiful"

You moved closer to him and stood on your toes. Your heart was racing. He chuckled and bent down to capture your lips.

"Who's the bad one now?"

You answered with biting his lips. Yongguk groaned at the pain and lust. He pushed you against the wall and locked you inside him. His lips crashed on yours hard, and you kissed each other for a long while until he broke the kiss.

The both of you breathed for air and he leaned his head on yours giving you one last soft kiss.

"I have to go back before Manager Kang or someone else finds me missing" he said and you nodded.

Today was the last day in America and you heard that today was just a rest day for the staff and B.A.P. A staff member told you that Daehyun, Youngjae, Himchan would go shopping and Jongup and Zelo would go sightseeing. But Yongguk, there was no news of Yongguk.

You got worried and thought about going to check on him, but how? you didn't know. You decided to send him a text.

"Hey, where are you and what are you up to?"

A few minutes later he replied.

"I'm in my suite. Good thing you wrote. I thought about going out alone, but I want you to come with me. Will you?"

You thought for a minute, where did he want to go and how is he allowed go out alone. You replied him back saying that you would like to go out with him.

30 minutes later, you met Yongguk outside of the hotel. He wore a mask and hoodie. You recognized him and greeted him with a hug.

After walking for a while Yongguk finally spoke.

"I'm starving, let's get something to eat".

You found a nice and discreet place to eat. An older waitress got you an empty table and the both of you seated. Once she left, Yongguk took his mask off and hoodie.

You giggled at the sight of his messy hair, but he looked extremely sexy. You were reminded by your hot make out last night and your cheeks blushed.

You looked at the menu.

"Is there something specific you want to eat?" he asked.

You looked up from the menu and into his eyes.

"I thought about pancakes?"

"Good choice" he said with a smile.

Yongguk called the waitress and ordered the food, while waiting for your food, you talked with Yongguk about last night's concert.

"Were you surprised by the sudden fan service I did and for you?"

You laughed and looked down at the table and nodded your head shyly. Yongguk chuckled amused.

"I knew you would like it" he reached for your hand and held it.

He was so kind and your heart fluttered so much because of him.

The food came, you ate and chatted. Yongguk linked your legs with him under the table and you giggled. He was so lovey- dovey unexpectedly. You loved each of his hidden sides.

But something seemed a bit off, at some points, he became really distant. He would look to his side whenever someone passed by you, as if someone was watching you.

You didn't want to ask him what the problem was, because you didn't want to ruin the great mood. He seemed calm and yet happy. Even though you could see that something was bugging him.

You finished up at the restaurant and decided to go to a parl. He wore his mask and hoodie and you knew it was because he had to be careful because of his idol life and the media. He had to hide his face from the public.

You found some swings and sat on them, Yongguk sat beside you. It was silent for a moment then you decided to ask him what the problem was.



You hesitated for a moment.

"You seem quieter today than usual. Has something happened?"

You asked in a really low voice, almost whispering.

Yongguk looked at you and the expression on his face changed. Something did indeed happen.

"Hyung knows"

You looked startled at him.

"Manager hyung knows about our relationship" he confessed.

You got off the swings and walked over to him and stood in front of him.

"Yongguk" you said surprised.

He grabbed your hands and held them tightly as he looked at you.

"Don't worry manager hyung wasn't mad at me at all. He was actually happy"

Yongguk smiled.

"Why didn't you tell me about it earlier?"

Yongguk got up from the swings and pulled you closer in to him.

"I still have to tell the CEO.. I hope he can accept our relationship"

You could hear by his voice that he was nervous and you hugged him. You couldn't help but feel scared, the thought of letting go of Yongguk, scared and hurt you.

You held him tightly and tears started falling down from your eyes, and he heard your silent cry.

"____-ah? Are you crying?"

Yongguk pulled you back and looked into your eyes.

"Babe?" he removed the tears away from your face.


Your voice cracked and you started crying even more. Yongguk pulled you quickly into him and comforted you.

"Don't cry it will work out.. Please for my sake don't cry.. I can't handle seeing you hurt".

When you arrived back to the hotel, you went your different ways. Yongguk comforted you all the way to the hotel until you had to separate from each other and go to your own rooms.

You would talk about things, once you got back to Seoul.

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