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His Special Tutor 

Chapter 16: Thunder

You were sitting on a sofa, drenched in your clothes, groaning in frustration that you didn't see the weather forecast, before going out with thin clothes on.

"Aish" you groaned.

Yongguk suddenly started walking towards your direction, from his corner of the room. He took his jacket off, you stared at him gaping. Then he proceeded on getting his shirt off. Now your heart started beating faster.

"What, what are you doing?" you stuttered.

Instead of answering you, he smirked at you.

"Yongguk-ssi?" you said and covered yourself with your arms.

"Shh" he placed his finger on his lips and hushed at you.

He got his sweater off now and he was wearing a black tank top. You could see his muscles flex, you swallowed your saliva and he was making you more nervous now.

You stared at him dumfounded, when he finally got over to you and handed his clothing to you.

"Wear this, or you will catch a cold" he moved your wet hair away from your face "even your hair is so wet" He spoke in a husky voice.

Your insides screamed, because he made you think all wrong things.

"I can't afford you getting sick Yongguk-ssi, I'll be fine". You said, while covering up your slightly disappointment.

Yongguk examined your body from top to toe and you blushed. His face suddenly became red, when his eyes stopped at your breasts. You quickly looked down and noticed your red bra was visible beneath your wet white shirt.

"I think you have to wear it" his voice went deeper, he looked away and you blushed even more now.

Without any hesitation, you grabbed his sweater from his hands.

"Thank you, could you please turn around, so that I can change"

Yongguk did as you said.

You were drenched in water, and your shirt was stuck on your body. You felt all sticky now. You tried pulling your shirt off. As you were pulling down Yongguk's sweater on you, you looked outside the windows of the room.

It was still pouring down. Just as the shirt was on a loud thunder roared through the skies and you squeaked startled. Yongguk quickly turned around startled.

"What??!!" He almost yelled.

The strong lightening hit the windows and you quickly ran into Yongguk's arms. Without thinking about your actions, you hid your face in his chest. Yongguk quickly hugged you and comforted you.

"Do you hate the thunder?" he asked in a soothing voice and you nodded.

"It's going to be okay, we'll stay here until it stops" He caressed your back.

You stood there for a few minutes and Yongguk suddenly pulled you back.

"I'm here, don't be afraid" he smiled his usual gummy smile.

"Thank you for being so kind to me" you said your honest thoughts to him.

You noticed how close he was standing to you. His face must be a few centimeters away from yours and he was looking down at you. Your body started reacting to his gentle touches on your back, your body felt warm all of a sudden.

He took his hands away from your back and up to your face, he caressed your cheek. He kept caressing your cheek gently and caring. Somehow it didn't feel weird that he did it. You moved your face towards his gentle touches on your cheek and you looked into his eyes.

They had a different gloom in them. His other hand went to your waist and he pulled you gently into him. He cupped your face and moved down closer to your face. Your heart started beating faster and you could feel and hear his heartbeat too and it was as fast as yours if not faster.

His lips touched your cheek gently, it was a soft peck, his gentle touch made your insides tickle. You gasped, when he suddenly pulled you closer to him. You were as close as you could get to his body.

You had never shared such a close intimacy with him before in this way. You felt his lips almost touch yours, just as your lips were about to meet.

A big thunder roared through the skies, you jumped back startled and Yongguk was still holding your waist.

What am I doing, and in such a place?! You cussed at yourself, you didn't want Yongguk to think you were some easy girl.

You took his hands off your waist. The look in his eyes, didn't tell you much. He ran his hands through his hair and looked frustrated.

"Let's push our class to another day. You are drenched in rain and time has passed by" He finally spoke, it wasn't the words you thought would come out of his mouth, but it was better than an apology.

You nodded and grabbed your things, ready to leave. You said your goodbye and left.

I can't believe I almost kissed him in there.. It's no lie I want to kiss him, but not in this place and not like this, besides I'm not even sure about what he thinks of me. You thought as you got home.

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