Coincidental Meeting

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His Special Tutor 

Chapter 12: Coincidental Meeting

You went over to the guy and poke him on his shoulder.

"Excuse me?" you called out.

The guy turned around and you knew who he was.

"Jaejoong oppa, what are you doing here? Didn't you have class" you asked surprised.

"No, I just got off, so I came by car" he said.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" you asked since you didn't know why he suddenly came at your door.

He was hesitating now, he rubbed his back whilst thinking. You knew what he probably was going to say.

"B.A.P is back at school, and.. I know you attend English classes with them. And I also know that you are a big fan of them, just don't get yourself hurt. You don't know, who they really are behind those screens" he said suddenly.

You knew he wanted to protect you, but you are an adult and you could take care of yourself. And what was he saying? the boys would never do you anything.

"Jaejoong, I'm fine. You don't have to worry.. I know Jae Hee will probably be jealous and try to have the boys for herself and I'm not some crazy fan" you assured him.

"I know" he patted your shoulder relieved.

"Come inside, I'll make you some tea" you suggested.

Jaejoong's face brightened up, it was your first time inviting a male friend home. Your best friend Soo Min wasn't home. You stepped inside the house and Jaejoong was surprised by how nice your living room was decorated.

"Waaah, so this is where you and Soo Min live" he exclaimed surprised.

"I must say it's not bad you guys" he grinned.

You laughed and went inside the kitchen to make his tea.

"You can sit on the couch I'll be there in a sec" you said.

"So, when is Soo Min coming home?. Are you fine living alone by yourself? Are you good at cooking?.. Waah it's really clean in here"

You laughed at all his questions.

"Soo Min is coming back tomorrow luckily and thank you I'm doing fine alone.. and what regards the cooking, ehm I think I'm okay. And you probably don't know I am a cleaning maniac" you said and laughed.

Jaejoong stayed for an hour that day and he talked a lot about school, friends and family. He talked about how you should be careful with Jae Hee, because she was close to making rumors about you last time.

Jaejoong didn't want to see you hurt again. You could understand Jaejoong's worries. But you assured him nothing bad would happen. Time went by fast and you went out to buy some food, before the stores closed.

So Min was finally coming back home the next day and the fridge was almost empty.

At the grocery Store:

You were at the vegetables department, looking for fruits and veggies. You got the vegetables and fruits that you needed. You proceeded on going to find some snacks.

Hmm, So Min loves chips so I will buy her some you thought and you went to get the crisps.

Yongguk's Point of view:

Yongguk was looking for some bags of crisps, the boys were going to watch a movie together later at the dorms. They needed some snacks, so he went out to get the things together with Daehyun.

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