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A/N: +4k? You guys that's crazy! Keep up the good work. Expect updates ;) bye lovelies.

-Lalonie H.


Elizabeth frowned. A bowling tormented feeling overwhelming her. Something is wrong.

Her attention drew to her cellphone buzzing wildly.

It was her dad.


"Hey! Liza honey are you okay?"

"Yeah, dad are you okay? Where's mom? Where are you guys?"

"I was just about to ask you that. I'm coming home right now, wait- there's a tree blocking the way."

"Right, long story-"

"Elizabeth what did you-"

"Stay there! Just drive into the parks' lot. I'll meet you there."

She jammed her phones button before abruptly standing up. "Guys! Pack we have to go!"

Oliver jogged up the stairs "what's going on?"

"Moms missing. And I'm sure I know who it is."

"So where are we headed?" Corey asked standing besides the man.

"Back to the park. Hurry and grab essentials we have to go." She replied, grabbing her draw string bag and tossing in valuables.

They stiffly nodded before rushing down.

Elizabeth shrugged on her backpack sighing as she thought of the tortuous things they would, or could be doing right now.


"Dad! You're okay." She encased her father into a hug, him doing likewise.

"Who's he?" Tyler gestured to the boy.

"My brother. No time to explain we have to go!"

"Where?" Corey asked.

"Indianapolis. Thats where they live, that's most likely where they are."

They nodded. Tyler opening the door for the two teens to go in the back, slipping into the drivers spot as Oliver next to him.


The room had an eerie silence. The blonde woman was strapped to a chair at the far corner, sitting in the dark. Making room for the medical tables that equipt any, and everything.

Her hair was wildly frisked in her hair, blue eyes drained of enerygy from her failed fight wrists and ankles forming red marks from the struggle of getting free.

She sighed. She wished she didn't go to the shop. She didn't even kiss her daughter goodbye.

So worried about loosing a child, she didn't even think that shed loose her own self. A tear castcaded down her face. Her makeup smeared.

A loud lock sounded throuout the room, scaring her as a man. With grey slicked back hair entered the room.

"Jenna, Black. Or now called Joseph." Congratulations by the way. The man began talking.

"Your husband is quite the man. Best selling albums, upcoming world tour, I'd be a pity to have him die so soon."

"Don't you lay a damn finger on my family." She scowled.

"Woah, let's not get feisty. With that freak show you call a family, I wouldn't be yapping your mouth."

"Only because of you."

"So you've heard of me." He quirked an eyebrow. "What happened to Elizabeth was not my fault. She was born that way. It was genetically passed down by her mother." He stated simply. "I just, enhanced her capabilities. That's why its extremely important that you tell me where my child is."

Jenna huffed. "She's not your child."

"Any more than yours? I heard you can't even bare a baby. So why do you care." He sneered.

That struck a spot in her heart. Causing her to silence. He smirked at his victory.

"Now..." He grasped a black remote on the nearby table. Pressing the button. A large chunk in the way began to rotate. Showing a small girl black curly hair and smooth brown skin, tied to a smaller chair thrash in fear. "If I where you, I'd answer my question."

"Mercy!" Jenna cried out. The man grinned.

"So you do know Jenna." He glared at the child. She whimpered and cowered back as far as she could go into the wooden chair.

"Teaching kids to lie at such a young age." He clicked his tounge, in turn flipping out a sharp blade and putting it flush against the child's neck.

Jenna swallowed deeply. Bright blue eyes wide in fear for both her and her child.

"Now I'm going to ask you one more time. Where, is, Elizabeth."


A/N: hi, quick authors note, just keep in mind that I did create a new book that I am really proud of called Restart My Heart, it is ironically a Joshler. But if your into demons and angels and sorcery and shit like that. Or technically supernatural I'm general, you should really check that out.



~Lalonie H.

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