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"If Jesus walked on water, does that mean he could swim on land?"

Elizabeth directed her attention towards him, turning her head against the top of the ceiling of the playground they had just climbed minutes prior. "Corey what the hell have you been smoking?"

He looked at her with a stunned expression, eyes droopy, pupils blown and slightly redend corners of the eye. "I'm not smoking anything."

She sat up fully, her free hand proping her from falling and the other hand cupping the underside of his jaw. "Corey, you're high."

"No'm not" he stated. She narrowed her eyes and he put his hands up in defense. "Okay, when we where in NY this guy in the corner was selling 'tea' and he had it in bags, so I was like oh cool I love tea, but he ripped me off and it was like one hundred a bag, so he got me like only a quarter for twenty-five that he said will 'do the job'."

Elizabeth deeply sighed as she fact palmed herself, "Corey, baby no. You don't buy stuff from strangers, especially that!"

"Its tea?"

"Did you actually mix it?"

"In a coffee maker, yeah."

"Corey, you're amazing. But that's just down right stupid."

"What? How?"

"Babe, 'tea' is street slang for marijuana, PCP."

His mouth formed the 'oh' shape as he nodded. "Well now I could say im a stoner."


"Okay, okay sorry. I won't do it ever again, pinky swear." He promised, wrapping his pinky around hers, taking her by surprise as he emitted a chase kiss to the teen.

A purple shimmer elapsed in his eyes. She furrowed her eyebrows.

"Something wrong?"

"No, its just, uh- Patrick, Brendon and the rest of the bands are coming to finalize the tour tomorrow."

Corey nodded "oh right, do you need to go home early?"

"No, no. Just, no later than midnight."

Corey began to slowly slide off of the slop of the top of the parks' playground.

"Oh sweet, later curfew than last time" he teased reaching his hands up to spot her and make sure she doesn't go anywhere else but into his arms.

"Shut up strawberry."

He rose an eyebrow. "Josh told me about the strawberry insident." He rolled his eyes.

"He'll never get over that will he?"

"By the sounds of that, no."

Two cop cars came rushing past them, turning a right, alarming Elizabeth because it was the same route to her house. She inhaled a breath of air before mentally finding a way to connect to them, they where okay, happy even, what's going on?

Luckily they came close to town, seeing the shopping displays to the right and left of the strip malls. Elizabeth stopped, causing a tug at their interlaced hands and Corey did as well. Turning to see the problem, a news report on events from last night, aired today. His eyes enlarged.

"That's the man who put you guys in the hospital in rehearsal!"

She nodded and continued listening further despite the obvious city noises.

"Former tour manager Marcus Da'Rovo has just escaped from county jail this weekend. Search warrents are enforced effective immediately to and related households and security guards are given to victims Tyler Joseph and his best friend Joshua Dun of the uprising popular duo, Twenty One Pilots. More on this news story online meanwhile, in New York, man is arrested for selling illegal Marijuana as well as the drug Phencyclidine, better known as PCP."

Glowing Eyes// Adopted by The Joseph's [√]Where stories live. Discover now