11 ▷ darkness of the night

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11 darkness of the night


"I don't understand why you're dragging me to this with you." Arabella complained to Alaric as she stepped out of the passenger seat of his car. Early this morning, she received a call from Alaric saying he needed her dressed and ready to go for unknown reasons. It wasn't until she was in Alaric's car did she find out that Alaric was taking her along with him to stalk Jenna and Elijah because of his serious jealousy issues. "You're jealous and paranoid about your girlfriend and some sexy vampire being alone together. What does that have to do with me?"

"I'm bringing you here so that I don't look like a completely jealous boyfriend who doesn't have the strong urge to beat the crap out of this original vampire who is spending too much time with my girlfriend. And I'm not dragging you. You willingly got in the car and didn't protest for me to stop." Alaric stated as the pair began to walk towards a distant Jenna and Elijah. "Plus, he's not sexy...is he?" Alaric mumbled, becoming shy and more paranoid.

Arabella bit her lip and examined Elijah. "Let me just say this Ric...if I was you, I'd be paranoid too." Alaric turned around and glared at Arabella, who shrugged her shoulders and continued to walk.

"You're such a great help." Alaric sarcastically smiled towards the youngest Salvatore.

Arabella chuckled and turned around, walking backwards as she focused on Alaric. "Look, all I'm saying is, yes Elijah is very attractive, but that doesn't mean Jenna is into him. The way I see it is that Jenna has completely devoted yourself to you."

Alaric furrowed his brows. "Why do you say that?"

"Okay, look at it this way; Through all the madness going on lately, from you disappearing multiple times, you always making excuses to why you're late to dates, and through all the crap going on between Isobel and Elena, Jenna has stuck by your side...hasn't she?" Arabella asked, hoping Alaric would see her point.

Alaric stood quiet and looked to the ground, thinking about what Arabella said, feeling guilty in the process. "I don't think somebody who didn't care about you and didn't wanna be with you would stick around through all that crap just to leave you in the end." Arabella said.

Alaric looked back up at Arabella, who softly smiled towards him. "You give good advice and have a big heart, but you're sometimes a sarcastic asshole who doesn't follow the rules and does what you want. You really are the human combination of Stefan and Damon and it's really starting to freak me out." Alaric rambled, realizing the similarities between the three siblings.

"But there's a difference, Ric. I'm the hottest Salvatore out there. Stefan and Damon are like pigs compared to me." Arabella smirked before turning around and continuing to walk towards Jenna and Elijah.

Alaric chuckled. "That's the Damon in you talking."

Alaric and Arabella approached Jenna and Elijah, who now noticed their presence. "Elijah, these are my friends, Alaric Saltzman and Arabella Salvatore." Jenna spoke up, looking at the pair in confusion.

Elijah met eyes with Arabella and sent a friendly smile towards her, causing Arabella scoff to herself and roll her eyes. Arabella was still mad at him for not telling her more about their past together. Elijah's eyes lit up with amusement and his smile grew bigger. "Arabella and I have met briefly before." Elijah spoke, causing Arabella to roll her eyes yet again, but forced a sweet, fake smile on her face.

"I got your message about walking Elijah here through the old property lines. I thought Arabella and I would tag along." Alaric announced with a fake smile on his face.

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