01 ▷ once innocent now heartless

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01 once innocent, now heartless

not an episode/continuation of prologue

No words were spoken, no movements were made, and shaky breaths were taken as the Salvatore's stared at their sister with an opened mouth. Arabella giggled and fumbled with the glass filled with bourbon in her hands, smirking at her two brothers with amusement in her bright eyes. She scanned each of her brothers features, noticing how much they have changed over the years. And how pale they became once they laid eyes on her. Arabella's smirk grew more, loving the effect she had on them.

"So how have you two been?" Arabella asked, breaking the silence in the room as she turned to face one of the many bookcases in the Salvatore's study. The brothers eyes followed her every move, still silent and frozen in shock. Arabella grabbed one of the aging books on the bookcase and blew the dust off of it. "Wait -- Don't answer that. I could really care less." she snorted before carelessly throwing the book behind her. "But by the way you look Stefan, I can tell you guys aren't doing too good..." Arabella teased as she picked up another book before throwing it behind her.

Both brothers overlooked her appearance, taking everything in while trying to mentally function at the same time. Arabella -- the sister who they thought was dead -- stood in front of them after assuming she was dead for over a hundred years. Her hair was the same; The same chestnut colored brown while at a long length and in her natural waves. Her skin tone was the same; A mixture of silky vanilla skin and sporting a small tan. And her eyes, that's how they definitely knew it was her; They were the same mixture of blue and green, creating a beautiful color that Arabella was most known for.

Looking at her was like seeing a ghost standing in front of them. But that's what Arabella was to them. A ghost from the past both of the Salvatore brothers have tried their hardest to forget.

Arabella sighed in boredom and looked over to the her brothers, who were still frozen and speechless. She wrinkled up her nose and tilted her head before asking, "Are you two just gonna stay frozen like that? It's really starting to get annoying and creepy."

"How is this even possible?" Stefan asked in a whisper as his eyes remained on Arabella, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"And so he speaks!" Arabella cheers as a bright smile and a light laugh escapes her lips. She then switched her glance from Stefan to Damon, looking at her older and very pale brother. "Wow Damon, this is the first time I've ever seen you speechless. Cat got your tongue?" Arabella asked teasingly.

"H -- How? W -- What? How are you a -- alive? You -- You --" Damon struggled to get his words out as his eyes remained still on Arabella.

"I was dead? Yep, but here's the catch. I died with vampire blood in my system. How crazy is that right?" Arabella's voice dripped with sarcasm, enjoying how Damon and Stefan's eyes widen in surprise.

"Oh my god." Stefan mumbled as he felt like someone had just punched him hard in the stomach.

"Katherine." Damon whispered as his fist clenched with anger, furious by the fact that Katherine was giving his little sister her blood even after the fact he said he did not want Arabella to be involved with the supernatural world. 

"Do you two seriously think you were the only ones she gave her blood too?" Arabella questioned before scoffing and shaking her head. "All of the Salvatore children knew Katherine's little secret. She told me after I was attacked by a vampire at the founders ball, then gave me her blood to heal my wound, and then compelled me like you two idiots. That was when she began giving me blood on a daily basis." Arabella explained before taking another drink of bourbon and moaning in pleasure as the alcohol traveled down her throat.

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