03 ▷ elijah

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03 elijah


A groan escaped Arabella's lips as she began to gain consciousness and grew a horrific headache. She rolled around on whatever cheap mattress she laid on and slowly opened her eyes, wincing as a peak of sunlight shined in her mixed blue and green orbs. Once her hazy vision began to clear, she was able to see the room in which she was in, but was confused once she saw her surroundings.

Arabella scanned the large, worn down living room while her face scrunched up with the disgust at the sight. The paint was chipping off the ancient walls, the roof looked like it was about to come falling down, the large, broken windows were covered with boards, blocking out any sunlight that came through.

She had no recollection of what had happened the night before or how she had ended up in this strange house. She just knew that she felt weak and that something was stingy the crap out of her wrist and ankles. Arabella looked down at her wrists and ankles to see that both of were tied up with vervain soaked ropes. Arabella cussed to herself as she felt the vervain rubbing off against her skin, causing her to hiss in pain. Arabella continued to scan her wrists and ankles when she heard a familiar voice say, "Good, you're awake."

Arabella snapped her head up at the sound of the familiar voice and growled once she saw the person standing in front of her. Her eyes locked with the famous and familiar doe shaped eyes that belonged to the woman she thought was suffering in a tomb for eternity. "Katherine. I knew I should've killed you." Arabella snarled as she stared at Katherine in disgust.

The Katherine look-a-like furrowed her eyebrows as she stared at Arabella in confusion while slowly walking towards the tied up vampire who knew Katherine. "N -- No, I'm not Katherine. I'm her doppelgänger, Elena Gilbert." Elena introduced herself with a small smile on her face while the glare Arabella was wearing disappeared from her face.

As did her anger.

"Oh, so you're Elena Gilbert, Katherine's twin. I've heard a lot about you." Arabella stated while studying Elena's features.

"You have? How?" Elena furrowed her eyebrows and looked at Arabella in curiosity. "And how do you know Katherine?" Elena asked.

"Long story. I'd be happy to tell it, but you can never tell a good story while your flesh is slowly being burned off by vervain." Arabella shined a sarcastic and painful grin towards Elena.

"Oh! Right, I'm so sorry." Elena apologized before quickly running over to Arabella to help untie her. After Elena was done, Arabella gasped in pleasure and rubbed her burnt wrist, watching them slowly heal on their own. Elena watched as Arabella examined her wrist and slowly began to recognize the girl. Elena didn't know who she was or where she knew her from, she just knew that she had seen the mysterious vampire stranger before. "I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Elena questioned, causing Arabella to look up, giving Elena the chance to look at her eyes. "Your hair, your eyes, I've seen them somewhere before..."

Arabella smirked at the confused doppelgänger and leaned back on the warn out couch, still feeling a bit weak due to the vervain. "No, I don't believe we have ever met before. My name is Arabella." Arabella stuck her hand out for Elena to shake.

Elena grinned and shook Arabella's hand, but Arabella gripped it harshly so she could be able to send a memory of Arabella, Stefan, and Damon before they were vampires through Elena's head. Elena gasped as she saw clips of the three Salvatore siblings laughing and smiling together in the mid 1800's. Elena then saw a glimpse of Arabella's face as she hugged both of her brothers, before Damn left for war. Arabella quickly let go of Elena's hand and stood up from the couch with a smirk on her face, while Elena sat down with an open mouth and a shocked look on her face.

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