02 ▷ masquerade

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02 masquerade


The morning sun beat down harshly on Arabella as she stood on the grounds of her old home, digging her 50th hole in search of the moonstone her brothers had told her where it would be. After making a visit to her brothers, she came to the Salvatore Plantation and spent all night searching for the stupid stone. Unfortunately at nine o'clock in the morning, she had sadly found nothing, which made her realize that her brothers probably lied to her.

Arabella sighed as she took a breath and wiped the sweat off of her forehead, completely exhausted and pissed off at the world. She should've known better than to trust her brothers with the moonstones location. How could she be so stupid to trust them with the location of a stupid rock if they left her dead years ago?

Arabella let go of her shovel and let it drop to the ground. She dusted off her dirt filled hands and made her way over to her black Camaro. She then grabbed the purse that laid on the hood of the car and searched inside for her and a certain sticky note. Once she found what she needed, she looked down at the number written on the sticky note and dialed, waiting for the owner of the number to answer the phone. "Hello?" Damon answered the phone, causing Arabella to only grow angrier at the sound of his voice.

"Damon, you lied to me. I searched all night for the moonstone and have so far found nothing. Where the hell is it?" Arabella snapped into the phone as she threw her leather jacket and purse into the passenger seat of her car. "I thought I was very clear when I said I wanted the moonstone and didn't care what I had to do to get it."

"Actually sis, I didn't lie to you. Genius Stefan did, and you were very clear with your message, which is why I was about to call you. How ironic, huh?" Damon said, causing Arabella to roll her eyes as she heard the amusement in his voice.

"Oh really? How can you call me when you don't even have my number, Genius Damon?" Arabella mocked as she walked towards her shovel and picked it up from the ground.

There was a silent pause before Damon spoke again. "Alright, you got me there. But I was going to try to communicate with you somehow. Need to talk to you about something important." Damon stated as Arabella opened the trunk of her car.

She placed the shovel in the trunk and began to look for her bag of extra clothes she kept in case of an emergency so that she could stop somewhere and change out of these dirty clothes. "I'm listening." Arabella said as she closed her trunk door and leaned against her car.

"I'm prepared to offer you a deal." Damon stated as Arabella slightly perked up.

"A deal? What kind?" Arabella spoke, slightly interested in what Damon had to say.

"The kind of deal where everybody wins."

"What do you have in mind?"

"How quick can you get down to the boarding house?"


Arabella parked her car in the Salvatore Boarding house driveway and turned off the engine of her car before stepping out and closing the front door behind her. She approached the front door of the large house and was about knock when the door had already opened, revealing a slightly panicked Stefan. "Hey Arabella, come in." Stefan gestured into the house and opened the door enough for Arabella to enter.

"Gladly." Arabella mumbled as she walked into the large house, looking around as she entered the hallway. "So what is this deal Damon and you are prepared to offer me?" Arabella asked in curiosity as she turned to face Stefan.

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