Chapter 2 - you swing at my friend you better not miss

Start from the beginning

He stared at me until I interrupted I'm. "Uh, hi? Earth to you?" I giggled and the boy shook his head and his face turned red with embarrassment.

"Oh, hi, sorry my new roommate made me go get ice cream for him and I thought this door was a kitchen or something I'm sorry for interrupting uh, nice turtle, nice freckles, nice face have a very nice face, I mean, shit. I said that out loud crap-" I covered his mouth and looked into his dorm to see if he really did have Jefferson as his roommate.

"Oh god, Thomas Jefferson is your roommate? How much pain has he caused you already? Physical and mental both count" his face was indescribably beautiful and dang you have to have some skill to look like your appearance is absolute goals while wearing a worn down jumper and  ripped jeans.

Back to present. As in what comes next after last chapter
Alex's POV

I walked back to my dorm with John only to find the front door was locked.

"Come on let's go through the side door" he grabbed my hand and I felt electricity go through my body as he pulled me through his dorm door.

"There you are John! We waited so long in that closet waiting for you to finish talking to your new crush on that guy you think is cute" The boy I was in the elevator with earlier today emerged from the closet with a large, buff, dark skinned man next to him.

"LAF" John shrieked. "He uh, someone else I was talking about" he nervously laughed, glaring at the Frenchman.

"Ah mon ami! I didn't recognise you from when John was watching you sleep earlier today!" Lafayette ran up to hug me and John looked like he was about to strangle him but Hercules pulled his arms back before he could do anything.

"Well, someone's got a little crush on me, aye" I raised an eyebrow, laughing. I knew he didn't have a crush on me, he's out of my league, laf was probably just joking.

"No- I just-friends!" John blurted out, his face as red as a tomato. My smile dropped for a fraction of a second before I pulled a fake one back on.

"Very big crush" Lafayette whispered in my ear while I giggled. Only then did I notice there was music loudly playing from my dorm. John, noticing too, opened the door and saw there was a party going on. Mini disco lights and red plastic cups everywhere and vodka and other alcohols leaving marks all over my papers.

"GET OUT" I screamed, running into my dorm to flick on the lights.

"Why you being a buzzkill mate?" Someone shouted and the room murmured in agreement.

"BECAUSE THIS IS MY DORM, GET OUT" I pulled the door open and everyone  shuffled out and a couple of people attempted to throw their cups at me. Everyone was out except Jefferson of course. He sat on his velvet pink sheets, downing a bottle of alcohol.

I looked back at John who looked like he'd seen a ghost, staring at Jefferson. Noticing this, Thomas got up and walked over to John.

"Gay boy, what you staring at?"  Thomas poked him in the chest with his bottle of alcohol before I swatted it out of his hand, pushing John behind me.

"Don't touch him you dick" I snarled. Lafayette and Hercules walked through the door, glaring and Thomas.

"Hey! You broke my bottle! And don't call me a dick" Jefferson pushed me against the wall.

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