Library Adventure

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  Chapter 10: Library Adventure

  "Jaden!... I-I thought I lost you!" You yelled in panic. Jaden, still trying to recover, said "I-I'm alright Y/N....I'm fine, don't worry about me."

You sighed and realized he was just saying that to make you feel better. "Jaden, tell me the truth, I'm right here if you need me."

Jaden put his hands where his bandages were, trying to see if there were any scars. "No, really, I'm fine... Look! See? Just skid marks." Jaden pulled the bandages around his arm off of him and showed it to you.

You sighed, "Jay, I believe you. Just try not to hurt yourself even more, understood? I want to see you healthy and happy." You said as your hugged him. "I seriously don't know what I would do without you."

Jaden sighed, accepting the hug while he was on the bed. "Alright, mother." He teased and tapped your nose.

You sheepishly began to laugh as you helped him get out of bed. "Jaden, I think I know what's been causing you to act differently these past few days."

Jaden began to look confused. "What do you mean? I think I am acting perfectly normal. Besides, you even said you believed me. So, what happened?" Jaden said as he scratched his head while he thought.

You simply smiled and nodded while playing with your hair, because that's what you did when you were anxious and bored.

"What's wrong....I know you, Y/N. Whenever you play with your hair or either you're very excited or your very bored, so spill." Jaden said, getting suspicious. 

You took a deep breath and began talking, "Jay, can we please go to the library. I really need to know what the golden moon is all about. We need to stop them, they can't just keep doing this! People are missing because of it..." You finished, taking a sigh.

"I agree. These people need to be saved, and fast. Who the heck knows what they are doing to them?" Jaden spoke, agreeing.

You both got out of the bed and began to run towards the doors of the library. You walked in and began to glimpse around, trying to find your favorite spot to read.

"Jay, follow me!" You began to pull on his arm. Unexpectedly he then screamed making the librarian shush at you. "Sorry!" Jaden's voice began with a whisper.

You both ran to your favorite reading spot, as you giggled your way to the spot, it began to rain. The rain droplets began with a sprinkle, then a downpour.You began to search the long rows of tall bookshelfs trying to find the one book that you found most appealing.

"Jay, I think I found something!" You dusted off the dust on the book and opened the page. "Mythical Creatures: Legends and Myths"  You read outloud to Jaden.

"Why would the golden moon be in that book? It's suppose to be in like a culture book or something." Jaden said, acting confused every which way he went.

"Jay, the golden moon is a Myth." You said as you flipped through the book. Myth section. You began to point your finger at every word that you read, following its secrets. "There. Golden Moon." You pointed at the large, bolded words that went across the page.

"Golden Moon: It all began with one girl who always wanted to be an adventurer. The little girl played with all sorts of toys and played in the forest. One day, the forest spoke to the little girl saying this: 'Put the toys in the trunk of my tree, not in every one. The oldest one in the middle of the forest.' The little girl did as he said, bringing all of his little toys with her and adventuring even more. Once she arrived at the oldest tree, she set the toys among its trunk and awaited what was to come to her. The tree began to walk with its roots and towards the hill that was near them. Once he arrived at the top of the hill, he set his roots under the ground and shot a beam ray out of its trunk. In the sky, the moonlight beam from the tree shot into the moon, sucking all it's power. Hoshimi, the starlight goddess, came from the side of the moon. The skies were clouded with dark clouds, it was raining and there were thunderstorms. 'Glad to see you once more, Hoshimi. I thought I would never see you again." The tree purred its words out of the lines of its trunk.

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