Trouble Awaits

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You arrived at duel academy, you were very excited. "Y/N? Earth to Y/N? Are you alright?" Jaden said as he shook you lightly. You quickly snapped out of your daydream and smiled. "Oh yeah I am fine." Jaden was bored and so were you. So you both decided to go lay down. "Jaden I am gonna go hit the books for a bit.. I'll come back soon." Jaden smiled and got up quickly, you then felt something or someone touch your hand. "Wait.. Please." Jaden said as he held you hand. "Y/N I'll go with you." You smiled, "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" You then ran as you held his hand as you ran to the dorm, you two were both placed in the slifer red dorm. You were happy you knew someone and had a friend. "Y/N do you want to meet my friends?" You stuttered and played with your bangs, "Sure, I'd love too." You smiled as he took you to see his friends. We you arrived they all smiled and waved "Hey Jaden! Who is that?" A blonde Haired girl said smiling brightly. "Everyone this is Y/N L/N, Y/N, that's Alexis, Chazz, Blair, Jesse, Jim, Axel, Syrus, Zane, Atticus, and Bastion." You blushed and waved. "It's a pleasure to meet you all." They all smiled except Chazz, since he always was grumpy and mad. You then heard a scream, "Lady Y/N did you hear that?" Your spirit Magican's Valkyria appeared with a worried look on her face. "Yeah I did hear that Valkyria. Let's go check it out." "WOAH, Y/N! YOU CAN TALK TO SPIRITS?!" Jesse and Jaden blurted out as they saw Dark magician and Magican's Valkyria appear next to you. "I can, but I'll explain later!" You felt your feet lead you some where. You were led to chancellor Shepard's office. "Chancellor! Are you alright?" You said as you were breathing heavily. "Help me!" You heard the scream. It was getting louder. You ran again and you saw a girl bieng held in the arms of something large, and black. "LET HER GO!" You screamed as you got your duel disk ready, "I summon Dark magician girl!" "Everyone lets help her!" You heard a familiar voice, it was Jaden, Jesse and Alexis. "Help us out neos!" He said as he called out his Elemental HERO Neos. "Come on out Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus!" Jesse followed and so did Alexis. "let's go cyber Blader!" They all attacked. The monster released some strong waves which made you fly back and hit the wall. "Y/N! Are you okay?" Jaden said looking back worriedly. "Y-yeah I am fi-.." Before you could finish you sentence you fell into complete darkness. " Guys don't worry I'll take care of this." Jaden's eyes turned gold. Alexis and Jesse were shocked. Jaden closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His voice changed. "Jaden.. I don't like the look in your eyes." Alexis said as she was speechless. She had never seen this side of him. "I forgot how great this power felt, I shouldn't be scared of my anger anymore, Prepare to fall, Perish by my hand, demon." Jaden said as he ordered neos to attack. "NOOOOO!!" The demon said as he disappeared, the obilisk blue student was lost with it. "Jaden... Earth to Jaden?" Jesse said as he shook him. Jaden stood there with his eyes still gold. He closed his eyes and began to pant heavily. "I-is she okay, Alexis?" "No she's injured. Help me take her to Mrs. Fontaine, Jesse." "Alright, let's go. Jaden, don't worry she'll be fine." As Jesse and Alexis stepped out the room with your unconscious body, Jaden let out a sigh as he thought to himself, "I could have protected her... But I didn't..... I am sorry Y/N..." Jaden fell on his knees. "I AM SORRY. THE DARKNESS TOOK OVER ME BECAUSE I AM WEAK!!! I COULD HAVE PROTECTED HER!! BUT I COULDNT!!"

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