"Yeah whatever, go get me some ice cream" I rolled my eyes and walked through the door on the left of the study table, which I assumed  was a kitchen or something.

"AH! SORRY!" I shrieked, I saw a glimpse of a boy sitting on his bed with his laptop.

Smooth, you just walked in on someone's dorm and screamed.

I heard footsteps and the door swung open to reveal a young man. He had an uncountable number of freckles across his nose, cheeks and forehead and a small stubble on his chin. His Dark brown hair was tied down as best he could but locks of curls still managed to escape  and hung around his smiling face. He was rather attractive if I could say so myself.

"Uh, hi? Earth to you?" I shook my head to see the boy waving his hand in front of my face, looking a little confused.

"Oh, hi, sorry my new roommate made me go get ice cream for him and I thought this door was a kitchen or something I'm sorry for interrupting uh, nice turtle, nice freckles, nice face have a very nice face, I mean, shit. I said that out loud crap-" I was mindlessly rambling on until he covered my mouth with his hand and looked into my dorm and cringed.

"Oh god, Thomas Jefferson is your roommate? How much pain has he caused you already? Physical and mental both count" the boy set down his turtle and pulled me into his dorm.

"I got a suitcase thrown at me and I have a slight headache thanks to his rather loud way of speaking" I replied awkwardly, to which he laughed at.

He was really cute when he laughed. I mean, not cute, manly, yeah. Bro like. The most heterosexual of looking? People?

"Thanks dude, I'm John Laurens." he extended his hand for me to shake and smiled even wider.

"Thanks for what?" I nervously laughed.

please don't say I said that out loud, pleaaaaaaseeee

"You said some stuff out loud again. So your roommate needed some ice cream? I can get him a side of bleach with it" John's greeny-brown eyes sparkled as he giggled slightly.

"Uh yeah, I do, thanks. Can you help me get it? Or just tell me. You don't have to come.. with.. me or whatever"

"Sure I'll show you and by the way, I'm the least heterosexual person you will ever meet" he winked, pulling the door open and gesturing for me to follow.

Immediately as we walked out, we were greeted by someone standing outside.

"Samuel what are you doing here?" John groaned. "We don't need anymore lectures on how great England is"

"This is my dorm Laurens, what are you doing here?"

"Sweet Jesus" John face palmed and pulled me past Samuel.

He let go of my hand as we walked down the halls. There were huge windows with curtains almost every few centimeters and the white walls gleamed against the yellow lights.

"So, what's your name?"

"Alexander Hamilton, you can call me Alex though, if you want" I shrugged, pushing my hands into the pockets of my old jumper.

"Where are you from?" He inquired, fumbling with the watch on his right wrist.

"Nowhere important" I replied, my past wasn't something to bring up while trying to make friends. "You?"

"South Carolina, I'm not very important, though. Let's talk about you"

"You seem important to me" I blurted out, blushing furiously at the words that I just said.

He shrugged again for what seemed the millionth time "You're very accidentally flirtatious, you know? Got a girlfriend?" Laurens smirked at me jokingly.

"No I haven't, you?"

"I'm gay, the day I get a girlfriend is the day after the world ends and how can someone who looks and is like you not have a girlfriend?"

"I'm bisexual, lean more towards guys if I'm honest"

And that was the first time I've ever called myself that and the first time I came out to anyone. Wow.

"Ok here's my group's secret stash of ice cream. We steal from the teachers lounge and store it in the Schuyler's dorm because they have mini fridges and expensive shit. Their dad literally paid to build them their own huge dorm"

I had completely forgotten my surroundings and only just released we were standing in a very fancy dorm. The floor was carpeted and the walls were painted gold, makeup and clothes scattered all over a fluffy, cream coloured rug which was placed in front of three queen sized beds. The one on the far left was yellow, the right was blue and the middle had peachy pink coloured sheets.

"Laurens!" A girl with curly black hair and dark skin in a loose white top and skirt matching the colour of the peach bed sheets ran to hug John.


A smaller, panting woman with a pale face and red checks, pushed some of her straight black hair behind her ear and adjusted her dark blue jeans and blue and white checkered sweater.

"Give me my hair tie back!" She panted.

"Eliza!" John greeted the girl before another woman, much smaller than the other two ran through the door, also panting. She had dark skin, although lighter than Angelica's and her large brown curls exploded out of her pony tail and covered the shoulders of her yellow crop top and reached the bottom of her black shorts.

"And Peggy" Laurens smiled at the smaller girl.

"Tell Angelica to stop stealing my phone!" Peggy groaned, trying to strangle Angelica while Eliza pulled her back.

"Well, we have a guest!" John slung his arm around my shoulder and the girls froze in their positions and stared at me, before rushing to the middle bed and whispering, looking back at me occasionally. I looked up at John, concerned and he yet again shrugged and smiled.

"Hubba hubba" Angelica mumbled before Eliza elbowed her in the ribs.

"I don't see it" Peggy cocked her head and everyone turned to her. "I mean...wow, cutie ha ha"

I stepped back the slightest and John glared and raised his eyebrows at them as if he was trying to tell them something.

"Oh! Sorry John!" Peggy smiled.

"JOHN IS GAY" Eliza shrieked before turning to John and winking, giving him a thumbs up. He buried his blushing face in his hands.

"We came for ice cream! Alexander over here has Jefferson as his roommate and Jefferson is making him get him ice cream so, we are here for ice cream. Let's just.... get... the ice cream" John scratched the back of his head and opened the mini fridge, pulling out some caramel ice cream before throwing it at me.

"Let's go, bye ladies" he smiled, closing the door.

"That was sufficiently awkward" I replied, chuckling.

"Well, since you're my friend now and you've met the Schuyler's, you've got to meet my two best friends. But first, we bring the douchebag his ice cream"

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