Ricky Olson (requested)

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"You're never gonna be like them you're too fat" another hate tweet towards her. "Why would ricky ever want a fat pig like her" constant binging coming from the phone causing a sting of pain in her chest. Hot tear began to flow down her porclin skin "maybe they're right.... Maybe I'm not good enough for him" the dreadful thoughts filled her mind and her imagination ran wild. She couldn't take it anymore, she walked to the bathroom searching every inch for an old friend. She found it with a blurred vision. That small silver friend she held between her finger tips glistened in the dim light of the bathroom, it showed release, it was as if it was some magic tool to erase all her problems,but as she was taught throughout her life everything comes with a consequence. Her heart pounded as she stared at it, what felt like hours I'm reality was only a few minutes. She lifted her gaze agonizingly slow to the mirror. She was disgusted with what she saw. Y/n wasn't the person she remembered... She pulled at her skin seeing a horrific sight. "You're never gonna be Good enough so stop trying, look at you. You fat, worthless, sack of shit...you only fuck things up...he's not happy with you..no one was" hateful words and taunts filled her mind, she couldn't take it anymore. Y/n slid down the wall slowly as if it was a never ending fall. "I'm sorry Ricky..." She says softly placing the silver little object against her skin...this little thing held her fate, whether she leaves this dreadful, miserable world or not. She drug it across her arm
They continued until they filled both arms,thighs, and her stomach.
"Baby I'm home!" Ricky yelled from down stairs gaining no response, he knew something was wrong but didn't know what...
"Y/n? Where are you? Are you okay?" He yelled walking upstairs with the same response as before.... Silence...
Y/n lied in a pool of her own blood but didn't lose enough to succeed.
Ricky walked into the bedroom making his way to the bathroom calling her name, he reached for the handle getting a horrific feeling in his gut knowing something was wrong.
He tried opening it realizing it was locked
"Y/n open this god damn door right now" he demanded still struggling to open it...he heard her soft whimpers full of hatred, disgust, and agony. She was tired and slowly losing consciousness.
He got a gut wrenching feeling and he broke open the door, the sight he saw was indescribable. He ran to her side his eyes filled with tears "baby why" he asks her with a soft tone lined with a cracking voice.
She let's out a soft groan almost inaudible. He stands up grabbing rubbing alcohol and a towel tending to her wounds.
'I-im sorry Ricky " she says softly.
"Baby...don't be sorry" he looks at her sympathetically.
She hands him her phone showing him why she did what she in the moment thought was a good idea.
Anger and hurt boiled in Ricky's veins as he read every hateful thing tweeted towards her. Ricky has had enough of the nonsense, he hands her the phone back.  "Baby I'll take care of them just promise to never ever do anything like that again. You're beautiful, amazing, sweet, and everything I could ever ask for and I love you y/n." he cups her face kissing her softy. She kisses him back after a few seconds pulling away. "I promise Ricky, I'm sorry for worrying you like that" she says barely audible.
"You need rest y/n...I'll take care of the mess just let's get you to sleep" he smiles picking her up placing her in the bed covering her up. "I love you baby...I'll be here when you wake up" he says softly.
"I love you too" she pulls the covers up as he turned the light off walking to the bathroom. She slowly drifted off letting sleep consume her.

//I am so so so sorry about the late update. Ive had writers block for a bit now. I promise to update more...hopefully once a week but I'm a lazy bunch so that's unlikely.
I love you all my beautiful creature. Stay strong and don't give up <3


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