when love met destruction pt.2

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(i apologize this is relatively short i just needed to give you guys something to read)

(one month later)

"You think im gonna just let you slide this time?! Fuck no!?" chris screamed at me while i was chained down

"Just let me leave youre abusive and i shouldve known not to trust a schizophrenic psychopath!!" i scream back venom spewing with every word i spoke. He hears things and assumes its me when i barely even speak. He hits me hes done other crule things to me that arent even imaginable i hate him,i hate this,and i hate myself. I feel dirty and disgusted. "Im done!?! Youre a fucking bitch i cant believe you!?! Ya know what?!? Im gonna fucking kill you!?!?!" chris screatched grabbing a knife from the table "chris im sorry please dont kill me itll never happen again in so so sorry just please don't kill me"i pleaded sobbing

~Chris's pov~

I saw the horror and fear in her eyes as i came closer with the knife. I felt guilt pinge my heart. I fall back into reality and start crying. I dropped to the floor sobbing " i-im s-sorry y/n m-my anger t-took control im s-so sorry" i started crying harder "chris i forgive you but you need to let me go you'll get the help you need the medication you need if you just let me g--" "No!?!" i cut her off screaming. I rip her from the wall a dark red mist blurring my mind and eyes, thats the last i remember, i wake up from my trance and saw her laying on the ground with a slit throat. I just huffed not seeing this as anything out of the ordinary. I look at her cold,lifeless body as i see a necklace. I take it off of her putting it on and bringing her out back. "Im sorry y/n should've trusted your mom when she said to never trust a stranger" i chuckle at my foolishness. dropping her onto the ground digging a hole putting her in it making sure shes secure i pick flowers ,Roses actually, and put them in her hands. I bury her apologizing every second. When im done i put more roses on top amd hed back inside. That was a hectic month. Im glad its over.

(im sorry this is just a filler chapter so its short i love you my beautiful ceatures
Little_Mrs_Horror xox)

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