are you okay? (joshler)

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Lord jesus forgive me for i have sinned (i put a daddy kink in here for you nasty little fucks xD)


Tyler sat on the couch, staring at nothing. He's sat like that all day. So many calls, and texts went unanswered, making him feel guilty, but he couldn't talk to anyone; not in this state. His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. Instantly, his posture changed, and he turned on the TV, acting as if nothing was wrong.

"Hey babe" tyler greeted as Josh came walking through the door, neatly taking his shoes off,  placing them next to the door of their cozy, little, two bedroom apartment.

"Hey baby" josh replied, plopping on the couch next to tyler.

"How was work?" tyler asked, looking over at his beautiful, yellow-haired boyfriend, moving closer to cuddle into him. Josh gladly accepted, lifting his arm, smiling softly. His facial expression dropped thinking about his day.

"It was work. Boss is a jerk, like usual, but at least i can come home, and chill." he replied, smiling once again, but still looking stressed. After awhile of cuddling, Tyler soon walked upstairs, looking at the giant mess josh made before he left. He really didn't wanna pick a fight. Not in the mental state he was in, but he was done cleaning up after him all the time.

"Joshua! What is this?" tyler yelled down to him, annoyance laced in his tone. He knew that Josh had a hard day, so he wasn't pressing it too much. Hesitantly, Josh walked up the stairs

"Y-yes babe?" He suttered out, quietly, his anxiety rising.

"You never clean up around here, and it's starting to make me very angry. im not your maid, im your boyfriend. I shouldn't have to pick up after you all the time! You're twenty seven, not two!" tyler scolded, slightly raising his voice. Seeing the amount of aggravation in josh's face just made him even angrier. Slowly, josh walked up to tyler.

"Look, im sorry, I'll try and not be as messy" he said softly, placing his hand on the side of the smaller boys face. A smirk started to pull at the edges of his lips looking down at him.

"What's that look for?" Tyler asked, pure curiosity in his eyes. Josh slowly leaned down, kissing the much smaller boy. As much as Tyler wasn't in the headspace for this, he wanted it. After a little while, the kiss started to get even hotter, resulting in Josh pushing tyler against the wall, harshly kissing him again, his hand firmly grasping Tyler's hips. 

"Jump" Josh demanded, and Tyler did so. Their lips soon reconnected as Josh held Tyler up by his arse. He walked over to their bed, setting Tyler down softly.

"You've been a bad boy, Tyler. You know you're not supposed to yell at daddy unless it's needed." He growled softly, climbing on top of a flustered Tyler. Josh moved his hand to tylers croch area, palming him softly earning whimpers of pleasure from Tyler as josh kept going harder and harder.

"Are you gonna be a good boy for daddy?" Josh growled softly in tylers ear.

"Y-yes sir" tyler responded, trying to hold back moans.

"Good" with that word he climbed off of the smaller boy.

"Strip" Josh demanded. Tyler did as told agonizingly slow, earning a deep growl from josh. A smirk now played on Tyler's lips as he looked up at the man above him. Josh slowly climbed on top of him, smirking, beginning to kiss Tyler's neck softly. After a few seconds of searching, he soon found it, earning a pleased moan. He sucked on the sensitive skin softly, making sure to leave a mark.

"You will follow every direction i say. you cannot touch me, or make any noise, unless told otherwise. If you disobey, their will be a punishment. Understood?"

Tyler gave no response.

"I didn't stutter. I said, understoo?" Josh said a bit louder.

"Y-yes daddy" Tyler whimpered, looking up at him.

"Good boy" Josh cooed, applying lube, slowly entering the boy.

"Fuck" he groaned, keeping a slow pace. Tyler let a soft moan escape his slightly parted lips, causing Josh to pull out instantly.

"What did I say?" Josh growled, causing Tyler to look away, but soon meeting his gaze again.

"I'm sorry, dadd-" he was cut off by Josh flipping the younger boy over his lap. A loud slap sound erupted through the room. Tyler whimpered softly. A few more made contact with Tylers arse, soon being let back up. Josh followed the small boy back to the center of the bed, pulling him closer, applying more lube, and going right back at it. The thrusts started out slow, but soon picked up pace. He continued like this for awhile before his thrusts became sloppy. Both Tyler, and Josh started panting, and moaning soft profanities. The pace picked up, and soon they both toppled over the edge, lost in pleasure. Josh collapsed next to Tyler for a few moments before they both got up, walking over to the bathroom. As they entered, Tyler had a look on his face. Something was on his mind, and it was hurting him. Josh saw right through it, and it bothered him.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Josh asked, walking over to the beautiful, brown haired boy before him, wrapping his arms around his small frame. Tyler softly pushed him off.

"Let's, uh, let's just shower, okay?" Tyler mumbled out, leaving Josh confused. The shower was silent, other than the sound of the water, and the slight movement. Josh was worried about the man he loved. He had so many thoughts racing through his mind. Once they finished, they both stepped out, Tyler quickly wrapping the towel around his frame, making his way to the bedroom. Josh was hot on his heels, making his way in also. They both got dressed, but Tyler held the same expression as before. Tyler has tried to keep his cool for almost a week now, but he keeps getting louder, and louder. At this point he doesn't know what to do. He doesn't know if he should keep quiet, talk to Josh, or just brush it off again. He just sat at the foot of the bed, knees to chest, zoned out in thought. Josh has tried to get his attention for awhile now, but Tyler couldn't move. It was as if he was paralyzed, stuck in that spot. After about an hour, Josh tried to touch his back reassuringly, but was met with Tyler quickly getting off the bed.

"I-i can't" he sobbed out.

"i-i can't take him anymore! He's destroying me! I'm gonna end up hurting you more than I already have, and I'm gonna lose you! A relationship isn't a smart move, Josh, I'm sorry!" He sobbed, running out of the room. Josh sat there confused, and hurt by that statement. After he realized what happened, he chased after him.

"T-tyler! Wait!" He cried out, causing Tyler to stop, a hand on the door handle.

"Please, Tyler. You won't hurt me, and you won't lose yourself. I wanna help you. You're not only my boyfriend, you're my best friend.... please" he cried out to him.

"I-im sorry, Josh" Tyler whispered. Josh's head hung low. He went to say something, but when he looked up, Tyler was gone.

(tO bE cOnTiNuED)

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