dont fucking touch me (chris cerulli) pt.1

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Chris has been acting...different. His moods have changed like the seasons, and he's been drinking a lot. hes been home from tour about a month, and has barely said a word to me. I can't take his silence any longer. Talking to him might not be the best idea, but what's there to be afraid of?

"Chris?" I called his name hesitantly.

"What" he spat, obviously annoyed. It was kinda scary when he was like this, but his anger comes in flashes.

"Why are you being like this? you're always either drunk, or high, and youve barely said a word to me since youve been home. we're becoming distant, and im worried. whats going on" I asked, sternly

" y/n, you need to stop getting in my fucking business. I make the money for the house, I keep all the bills paid, and you do nothing but sit on your dead ass all day while I work my hands to the bone. Why do I drink? I drink so I don't have to hear your whining all fucking day " he snapped, aggressively standing up from his chair, balling his fists in anger.

"really, Christopher? I work too! I do something I love! you know its hard for me, because either your on tour, or I am, and when we're home together, you're drunk off your ass, and I'm sick of it!!" I raised my voice, inching closer to him.

"seriously, y/n?? Stop getting on my fucking case! I'm a grown ass man! I can do whatever the fuck I want! you're such a worthless bitch. I can't believe I'd have low enough standards to date you, let alone call you my wife!" he spat with venom in each word.
I felt a sharp, burning sensation on my cheek as I flew back onto the floor. My hand flew to my cheek in surprise at what he'd just done. My eyes began to blur with tears. As I looked at him, his face went from angr, to regret in a matter of seconds. I get up, continuing to holding my face as he reached out for me. I began to speed walk to our room when i felt a hand wrap around my arm


"don't you fucking touch me" I cut him off, aggressively pulling my arm from his grasp. I slammed the door to our shared room in his face. I can't believe it...he actually hit me.

I packed some of my things, and as I was leaving, I saw him on his knees with tears in his eyes.

" y/n, please....don't go... I'm sorry!" he cried out, begging for me to stay. Tears ran down my burning, flushed cheeks as i stood, watching him.

I gained my conposure before i began to speak.

"A simple sorry wont earn my forgiveness. This is on you, Christopher. This is what happens when theres consequences for your actions."

I walked out the door, not looking back. I began to hear crashing, and screams erupt from inside our home. I ignored all of my instincts telling me to to back inside. I put my stuff in the back of the car, got in, and began my drive.

It rang twice before he picked up.

"hello?" He said groggily

"h-hey, Tyler" I said as mt voice cracked, on the edge of breaking again.

"oh my god, y/n, what's wrong?? I'm getting up now" he asked, clearly worried

"I-i'll be there in a few minutes" I said, crying harder than before.

"Okay, love. calm down. it's gonna be alright. I promise" he said, trying his hardest to calm me down over the phone.

" I'll see you in a few" he added on

"Okay. I love you, ty" i said softly

"I love you too, y/n."

As I hung up, I pulled up to his house. I got out of the car, bags in hand, and made my way to his door. I knocked a few times, and after a minute, or so, I was met with both Josh, and Tyler. Tyler hugged me tight, then let go after a second.

"y/n, are you o--" he stopped talking once his gaze reached my already bruising cheek, and his face became red with anger.

"Who did that to you??" Josh questioned, equally as mad, grabbing his coat, and car keys.

"C-chris" I cried out. After Josh heard that, he stormed out of the house.

"I'll be back in a little bit." He yelled back to us. I know what he was gonna do, but I'm too exhausted to stop him.

"I can't believe he did that to you y/n. I hope Josh puts him in a hospital bed" Tyler said. All I could do was hug him, and cry.

~~~~~~Joshs P.O.V~~~~
I can't believe he did that to her. Im gonna make him pay. you don't do that to a woman no matter how much they piss you off.

I pull in the drive way, and park the car. I got out, and began walking to the door when I heard sobbing, and Chris yelling.

"I'm so fucking stupid! I fucked up!"

"well no shit, Sherlock. I think we all know that by now!" another voice added in.

"I can't do it without her. I-i can't live without her! I'm a fucking idiot! why did I hit her? Oh god" he sobbed out. I kinda felt bad for the poor bastard.

"I'm asking the same question, Christopher! that's my baby sister! you're lucky I'm not beating the shit out of you! do you know how low her self esteem is already? now that you said it, its stuck with her! Shes never gonna just "heal" from this!" I heard the other voice that ive pinpointed to be devin, scream at him.

I turned around, and saw Ricky pull up next to me, and his face was red with anger.

Huh. at least I'm clearly not the only one pissed at him.

Ricky walked passed me, but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Ricky, don't. Devin's handli-" within this time, ive zoned out their yelling, but was cut off by a thud. Ricky, and I ran inside to be met with a Devin punching Chris.

" dude! chill out!!" I yelled, pulling him off chris. Neither of them had much damage, but it was enough to leave a bruise.

"Do what you want. I don't deserve to live after what I did to y/n" Chris mumbled.

"Im disappointed in you, Chris. very disappointed" Ricky said with chris looking up at him like a puppy who got caught eating a shoe.

Chris began to mumble under his breath.

"what did you say? Speak up, scum!" Ghost snapped, only for ricky to look at him with daggers.

"ya'know what? Just fucking kill me. I want it to be painful. I can't live with myself knowing I did that to her!" Chris sobbed.

Ricky sighed, and began to speak

"I'm gonna stay here tonight, and make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. ghost? go get me some clothes. Josh? go comfort y/n. make sure she's ok, and stable." Ricky ordered. We all did as told. I hope to god both of them are ok. I don't wanna lose y/n, but I also don't wanna have Chris go off the deep end. If he goes off, so will she.

( I need requests people I'm not the best and I'll try my hardest to update every week thank you my beautiful creatures - Little_Mrs_Horror)

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