I'm sorry I waited so late to tell you about the breakup, you said to her.

Honey it's ok I'm just glad you left before it could get worse, Sasha said hugging you.

I know right.... 2 years down the drain, you said as you sipped some of your water.

Well it's time to move on and be happy, she said giving you a smile.

You two sat there and talked for a hour until Sasha got lost for words.

Mmmmm mmmm now that's a nice looking man Tati, she said with her eyes fixated on someone behind you.

Where?, you asked as you turned to see a short guy with blue eyes and blond hair. You have some weird taste in men you know that, you said making her laugh.

All of a sudden Sasha eye started to invite that someone over. You tried to get her to stop but from the looks of it they were already heading over.

Well excuse me ladies... My name is Eric but I couldn't help but to notice your smile sweetheart, he said and that thick jersey accent caught you by surprise.

Hi Eric..my name is Sasha and this is my bestfriend Tatiana, she said introducing you to him.

Nice to meet you Tatiana, he said shaking your hand. How about you ladies accompany me and a friend of mine... Well he's like a brother... we're going to the movies tonight and it would be nice to be in the company of 2 beautiful ladies, he said.

Ok great!, Sasha said out of nowhere.

Cool, he said flashing her a smile.

They exchanged numbers as we paid for our food and as he paid for his food. You argued with Sasha the whole day until it was time to head out. You didn't want to be set up on a blind date... Not by her atleast... You loved her but her taste in men was like plain spaghetties. It was 6 pm and you two had to be at the movies by 6:15pm, so you threw your dress on and slipped into your blue heels.

Come on Sash!, you yelled from the front door.

Coming!!, she yelled back.

About 6:20 pm you two made it and linked up with Eric.

Hey Tatiana my brother is running late so you two go ahead and go in and I'll wait for him ok?, he said softly.

Ok that's cool, you replied.

You and Sasha walked in and went to the concession stand to get snacks.

Ok so what we getting Tati?, Sasha asked.

2 drinks and a big popcorn?..... With M n' Ms?, you asked being goofy but she just laughed.

Ok ladies that'll be $18 even, the cashier said.

Whoa sweetheart put that away I got it, a strange voice from behind you said as it shocked you.

You watched as the long arm paid for the food while you and Sasha grabbed it. As you headed to butter the popcorn, a hand touched you and it felt so familiar so you turned around to see that it was him.... It was Colin.

Well hello again beautiful, Colin said pulling you into a hug.

Well hello there, you said as a simle rose up on your lips.

Wait you two know each other?, Sasha asked as Eric wondered the same.

We met about a month ago... After I got cheated on... Had a couple drinks and talked a bit, you said smiling.

Ahhh so she's the one you've been talking about huh?, Eric asked making Colin blush a bit.

He shook his head in embarrassment and just blushed a bit more. After the little moment, we went to see Fast 8. It was awesome. You'd catch him staring at you from time to time but it only made you smile. When the movie was over, they invited you and Sasha back to Eric's place for drinks.

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