Chapter 6

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The boys come running off the stage, all buzzing with adrenaline.

"Good show boys!" I say when they all come bursting into the dressing room in search of their water bottles.

"Thanks, I got a lot of compliments on the new hair style you did by the way." Matthew says. He's slowly becoming my friend, despite his rudeness to me when he overheard me talking about Shawn.

"I guess I didn't do as bad of a job as I thought." I say, tossing him a dry T-shirt. About half of the boys came trotting in here soaking wet from the water-fight they had on stage.

"Catch." I call to Aaron, throwing a towel at him. He catches it a takes off his drenched shirt. I realize now that I'm pretty much surrounded by them and to be honest, I feel claustrophobic with so many people in a small space. I back my way out of there and run smack into my dad.

"Oh hey dad." I say, turning around.

"Follow me." Is all he says in response. I curiously follow him outside the venue and into the bus parking lot. We are the only two people out here.

"Um dad? What's up?" I ask finally.

"We need to have a talk Lauren." He answers bluntly.

"Okay, what about?" I ask casually.

"A certain boy I've noticed you have your eye on." He replies. I can already feel myself start to blush.

"Dad come on..."

"It's my duty as your father to make it clear what boys are acceptable for you to date." He interrupts.

"I don't want to date any of them." I lie.

"Not even Shawn?" My dad asks. I avoid eye contact with him.

"Nope." I say as convincingly as possible.

"Lauren, he's a good boy. But don't rush anything, you're only sixteen." He reminds me.

"Aw dad!" I exclaim. "I'll be fine, we aren't even dating." I reply with a sigh.

"You sure act like it though." He mutters, turning on his heel and abandoning me in the parking lot. I shake my head and sigh. Pulling out my phone, I decide now is as good of time as any to start following the boys. After a few minutes, I officially follow them on all of their social media. Once I've finished that, I head back inside the building to find Mahogany. I find her at a vending machine.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask, walking up to her.

"Just trying to get this box of M&M's out. Stupid machine ate my coins and won't drop the box." She hip-checks the vending machine to have no avail.

"Want me to grab one of the boys?" I ask.

"Might as well, maybe they can be of some help." Mahogany answers, trying to jiggle the machine. I run off to the dressing room and grab the first boy I see.

"Matthew! Come here for a sec?" I call out, grabbing him by the arm.

"So you forgive me?" He asks as I pull him down the hall.

"I guess so. You're hard to hate." I admit and catch him grinning.

"You know, I was right to like you." He says. I roll my eyes but smile.

"So um what exactly did you need me for?" Matt asks as I continue to pull him by the forearm.

"Are you any good at getting something unstuck from a vending machine?" I ask, arriving back with Mahogany.

"Oh sure, you just tip it forwards a bit until it drops down." He goes over to the machine and positions himself behind it, gripping it from the top and side.

Running With The Boys{OG Magcon}Where stories live. Discover now