Coming across my electronics, I placed my laptop on my desk, and I put my CD player on a shelf in the centre of the ones holding my CDs.

My desk supplies, for homework, were arranged neatly on my desk near my computer, and my art supplies laid on a shelf above it.

Then I got to my clothes, hauling it into my oversized walk in closet, I stowed my shoes down on the rack across the floor, hanging my dress shirts, jackets, tees, all up across the bar, the only things that went into my dresser was socks, boxers, jeans and pyjama pants. I opened up another large box and found my black mat, I spread it out across the floor next to my bed, and an old blanket my grandmother had given me as a gift on my first Christmas that I still held close to me, I folded it and put it at the end of my bed.

Another few small things were left to unpack, but I got through those fairly quickly, I had one last box, a big flat box that held a framed poster, that read "Music speaks where words cannot." With music notes around it. I hung it on the wall opposite my collection, and was done. I took all the broken down boxes and headed downstairs, bringing them outside, I put them in the back of the truck where we agreed to discard of the boxes until we were done, then Carlisle would take them away.

I went back in and noticed the time was 9:45, and Carlisle joined me.

"Ah!" He said pleased "you're already here, the truck with the rest of the furniture will be here any moment, I just got the call."

And so it was. The truck pulled up, and we went outside to help unload and carry in the items, the large couch was of course, already in one piece, but we had to put the coffee and end tables, along with shelves all together ourselves.

I went in to try and piece it together myself while Carlisle payed the delivery guys. I was half way through the second end table when he joined me again, and began helping.

It felt like no time at all we were done putting it all together, and putting it in the proper places, Carlisle turned to go get boxes of books and films that went on the shelves, while I turned to go to the foyer where we were keeping our living room tv and things, to put on our new entertainment centre when my stomach growled furiously.

I heard my father laugh from behind me and turned to face him, I grinned and shrugged.

"I'm hungry." I looked at the clock and realized we managed to work out way through to 1:30

"Want to go for lunch?" He asked me, the smile still spread across his face .

"Please, lets." I said, half begging. I need food. And I was excited to see Bella. We headed out and decided to take my Volvo, as I was the only one out of two of us that knew where we were going.

I drove slower than usual, not wanting to upset my dad, and where it would have been a 20 minute drive, it became 35 minutes.

Felt like an hour before we were pulling up in front of the diner. I was so close to seeing my girl. I was excited.

We got in, and took a look around, I seen her before she seen me, I watched her interact with a customer, an older gentleman, she was laughing, and so was he. She looked up at me in that moment, and her smile never faltered.

We were met by a woman I never recognized who lead us to our table and sat us down, giving us menus.

"Okay, you guys take your time, your waitress will be with you in a moment." She said kindly before dipping out.

Ever After |all human| COMPLETEDWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu