Chapter 32: Leaving?

Start from the beginning

"Oh okay, sounds serious. Is there anything else I need to know" Angel says fully awake now

"Um, well... Amor and I are blood mates..."

"YOURE WHAT WITH HER!!!!!???" Angel roars at me as she half shifts. Making her wolfy ears, tail and her canines lengthening.

"She's my blood mate and no it not like how we are, I promise you mi amor. She has a mate and is expecting a little one like us. When she gets here we'll explain it all to you. I give you my word you are my mate and only you" I said as I let Alph come out a bit so she'll know I'm serious and calm down.

"Fine, but the minute she flirts or you flirt with her I'm making this room a bloodbath. Try me" Angel said as she shift back t her human self.

"You'll see why you'll never have to worry about that" I said while chuckling slightly. If only she knew..

"Wolfy tell your guards to stop being rude and let me in... I swear y'all wolves gets so angry for no reason" Amor says while rolling her eyes mentally

"Okay chica. " I said while laughing and tell my guards to lay it off and let Amor in

"Angel the vampire Queen is here and will be coming in shortly.... play nice okay?" I ask Angel while I hear footsteps coming

"Mhmm sure" Angel says bitterly almost growling

Sighing softly to myself Amor walks in wearing a black t-shirt, joggers, and some black and white sneakers. Literally she looked just like me, the only difference was she had red hair, and paler looking skin. Oh and let's no forget she's short as fuck and  her eyes are hazel.

"Hey wolfy and hello Angel. I know it's a short notice but we have a lot to talk about" Amor says while taking a seat.

"Hey vamp, first lets explain the blood mate thing before anything else" I said as I give a small smile to my old friend.

"Okay... well where do I start.... mhm right.. well as we all know werewolves and vampires are not supposed to get along at all. But me and Jordan here went to the same daycare you can say. But honestly it was a place where the future Kings and Queen go to once the hit the age of 10. Anyway I was picked on because well look at me I'm short and I was a late bloomer. So basically I was defenseless and was ranked the lowest of low. Jordan also was ranked the lowest of their class also." Amor pauses to look over at Angel seeing if she was following the story, which is was listening

"So since we was the lowest of our classes we hung out in secrete because nobody else will play with us. We was loners, outcast, we were the kids that ate lunch alone in a bathroom stall and everything called names. We met after 3 weeks in hell do to me seeing Jordan getting bullied by some vampire prince from Australia. So I ran over and knocked him off because I don't believe in bullying even if it's against werewolves. What I seen was sickening. Jordan was covered in cuts bleeding badly and pale. I freaked out and cut my own palm and rub my blood into their cuts. The reason why is because my blood can heal those in need with a pure heart. I couldn't let Jordan die because of so stupid ass jerk vampire. After I was done rubbing their cuts I stayed next to Jordan until the color came back into their skin and they woke up. That's how we became friends" Amor says smiling at the memory

"Okay but you still haven't explain how and what are blood mates" Angel say waiting patiently yet with a deadly glare

"I'm getting to it.... so once Jordan woke they bit me and drunk my blood like I was their juice box. Luckily Jordan stopped before they kill me. Once they stopped they looked at me and noticed that I was the person that helped them. Seeing that I needed blood they bite into their arm and let me drink from them. Sharing our blood like that back to back created a blood bond or a blood mate. No we never had sex, but all through training when we was weak and close to death we drunk from each other. After spending 3 years there we mixed our blood completely. So I'm half werewolf but I can't change into one, and Jordan is half vampire. Both royals, the only reason why we call it blood mates is because we have a link, feel what each other feel, and can track each other down in a heartbeat. Basically we're like twins now because of what we did to survive hell. Nobody knew until one day our parents seen Jordan drinking my blood after some wolf from Brazil tried to kill them. They walked in and seen Jordan and freaked out then pulled us both from the training..... then made us close the link and lock it away." Amor says with a slight tear in her eyes but quickly gathered herself back up.

"So you're basically saying you have the same blood running through Jordan's Bain's and vise versa? Angel says looking back between me and Amor

"Yes we do we'll show you" I said as I open my draw and grab a regular knife

"What the fuck are you grabbing a knife for?" Angel says still not believing it

"It's been awhile since we woke up those sides of us. So by cutting our palms and shaking hands it will open our bond again. To awaken ourselves " I said as I hand the knife to Amor

"Plus it will make sure that vampires and werewolves get along and make sure that vampires will not touch you" I told Angel through our private link

"Okay I trust you and it seems like you two are like siblings anyway and she's not your type and you're not hers. Just don't go crazy and drain people of their blood, as long as you stay yourself I'm okay with your other part waking up." Angel says as she snuggles into me

"Okay wolfy your turn" Amor says handing me the knife as I cut my palm and place our hands together.

Finally a little pain as my other half wakes up, I remove my hand watching my skin heal itself in a matter of a second. Smiling softly to myself as I feel more powerful then ever, I look at Angel wanting to share with her my energy so she can protect herself better.

"That can wait for for now about the witches and moving thing" Amor says smiling at us with sad eyes as she puts on her serious face

"I know it's hard being away from your mate so let's hurry up and figure out what is needed to be done" I said as I get more serious tone

"Anyway the witches teamed up with the strongest pack of wolves down in southern America. The White Fang pack. You know the old school ones that thinks they're the best and can do whatever they want?" Amor says

"Yes I know of the but why did they join with the witches" I ask

"They want to become the top pack, said the alpha sent his daughters here to mate with the King and get pregnant by them. Just so they can kill them and then take over." Amor says

"Oh really" I said as my heart literally breaks into a million pieces as I listen to the truth

"Yeah, lucky you didn't mate with one. Anyway we have to move back to France, train, and maybe some wolves and vampires are mates since you have so many mate less wolves here.... We leave tomorrow morning tell everyone, because honestly I don't want no one to die you are truly like my little sibling." Amor says full heartedly

"I'll make sure I'll tell the pack and have someone see you to your room. Right now I have to speak to my mate. Goodnight Amor" I said dismissing my blood mate

"Night wolfy and see you in the morning " Amor says leaving the room

Sitting there looking at Angel I mad sure to hide all my emotions and but on a loving face. I will not judge her and count her as an enemy. She might be the alpha daughter but I trust her with my life.

Getting up slowly, I picked up Angel and made my way to our room and laid down as she slept on my chest.

"Alpha don't get upset and harm her. We have to trust her, even if she doesn't stab me in my heart. She's the reason why we breath the reason why we're better. She our Angel and we'll stand by her until she breaks our trust" I told Alph while getting ready to sleep

"Don't be a fool but I understand. She's our everything yet sometimes even the ones you love the most hurts you the worse. Yet hey who knows she more then likely on our side. If she wasn't she'll kill us while we are sleeping. Anyway rest up King we have a long journey ahead of us and a mate that needs to see that her father has no authority over her" Alph says as he rest his eyes

Taking a deep breath, I slowly relax as I drift off to a dreamless slumber .

"Angel is not like Daisy she'll stand by us like we'll stand by her


A/N: Long time no writing, I'm sorry about not updating since forever but life happens. Anyway I have only 2 more chapters left. I might even do a spinoff on Amor story line (comment if I should or shouldn't). But thank you guys so much.


With much love

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