Chapter Fourteen

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My skin was ripping apart as I knelt down gasping. The pain was mad painful. But soon it left as I hear bone cracking and screaming.  I noticed it was me screaming and the cracking was my own bones. A couple moments later I was in my wolf form. My vision came back I looked around to see the white wolf. Noticing it was Daisy I move towards her. Daisy wolf smiled and lick my face again, I lick her face also. But I really want to see how I looked, then it hit me. The smell of blood I looked around and spotted the dead wolf. I moved away going to a mirror.

There I was pure black with orange and silver eyes. I shock my body as I see hits of silver in my fur. So I'm black and silver, hmm that's decent. Soon Daisy came and was in the mirror with me. My wolf is bigger then her yet we fit together like a puzzle.

"What happened" I heard my father yell in pure rage

Me and Daisy both shock our heads and walked together towards everyone. Then their eyes snapped towards us.

"So the legend most be true. Daisy the pure white wolf" my mom said as I backed away letting myself disappear

"This is great... She is going to be the best. With her our pack will never have to worry" my father said proud and happy

"So the moon goddess was wrong Jordan wolf isn't that special she told us that only so we make sure to be extra protective" my father said as he smiled at Daisy

"Hun maybe you shouldn't say that. Jordan can hear how you are slowly disowning her" my mother says

"Relax... I'm just saying Jordan wolf probably is just like mine. Her wolf will never be as strong as Daisys. There are never two strong mates one is weak well one is strong" my father says

Daisy was looking for me as I stayed hidden in the dark.

"Anyway Jordan will understand that her wolf isn't special only a alpha. Yes our daughter is strong but she needs to understand she's like everyone else. I bet you her wolf is probably a basic brown color just big" my father says looking at Daisy as a growl comes from her.

"Relax I'm not making fun of you mate or my daughter she's strong and a great leader but why lie she's a basic wolf nothing special but I still love her" my father says as he looks around at the damage

"Anyway I know you can change back so please go upstairs and change back so we can talk about what happened" my father tell Daisy.

Daisy didn't mind him and search for me. I looked at a myself in a glass my eyes turned full bright silver as I blocked off everyone Daisy, my bestfriend and my pack. I didn't want to be here right now. As everyone was gathered around and Daisy looking around my father finally said something that made me want to run away.

"So much for training, she couldn't even protect herself" my father said

I couldn't take its I took off running full speed as my speed was so fast I was a blur gone with the wind. I ran as fast as I could and as hard as I could. I ran into the woods as I noticed how my fur turning fully silver. I had no time to stop and think about anything. I wanted to go clear my head before I killed someone. Rage filled me with shame. I ran to the small cabin I build myself that nobody knows about . Opening the door I smelled the air nobody was there I changed back into my human form. Seeing my caramel skin once again, I took a deep breath screaming which turned into a howl filled with pain, rage, shame, and hurt. I stopped as tears filled my eyes, that's when I knew I have to change my ways. I can no longer be weak no longer can I hide my true wolf no longer can I train like I'm weak no longer will I hide my true power.

Closing the cabin door I closed off the outside world. This was supposed to be the day I give Daisy the promise ring and bring her here. But today my wolf was born and today will be the day I show everyone my true power within me. Today I'll show my father I'm not weak. Then Daisy pop in my head, I love her and today is her day nothing will ruin my plans for her. Yet let a nigga try me again or touch her I'll show everyone why my fur is silver and black. Still my fur did change full silver only because I was running because when my fur moves the silver shows.

I stopped crying and think as I got up, put on my shorts and sports bra. I grabbed my shoes and ran back to the pack house. My eyes are still orange and silver, but more silver. I walked in letting my power flow for me, everything was straightened back like nothing happened. I walked straight to my fathers office and open the door.

Daisy, my mother and father was there. Daisy ran to me and hugged me kissing me deeply. I calmed me down deeply and I let our minds link once again. My eyes change back greenish-blue.

"Please don't leave me alone anymore. I almost killed your father because of what he said but I couldn't I didn't even touch him because he is your father and your my mate. But let him.... Wait somethings different about you. A good different like damn babe I didn't know your wolf was like this... Sorry my wolf is really liking it and I like it to. It's good you're not hiding it anymore. By the way I love you" Daisy mind links me

"I love you too and I promise I won't leave again. But today is about you. Do you still want to have your party?" I said as we held each other

"No I just want to be with you today. We'll have a party tomorrow. But today I want to be with you only" Daisy says

Then someone clears their throat, I looked over to see it came from my father. He had a slap mark on his face I looked over towards my mom that was smiling. I'm glad she's still on my side.  Guessing they feel my power now my mother said widely as my father gasps.

"Like I told you James, Jordan is the legendary silver wolf and Daisy is the legendary white wolf. Both their wolves are the closest thing to the moon goddess herself" my mom says still smiling at me and Daisy

"Please prove it" my father says

I let my silver eyes show and my power show. Everyone in the room but Daisy choked from my power. I stopped and smile looking at my fathers face.

"That's only some of my power but for mom I didn't show it all. Me and Daisy is leaving we'll be back tomorrow. " I said as me and Daisy left the office as my father jaw hung open.

Daisy and I walked towards my cabin hand and hand as the sunset. Tonight will be special for the both of us.

A/N: Something quick I couldn't leave y'all hanging. But tell me how you like the book so far.


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